Official pvp is currently unplayable

I bet you’ve read the rules more thoroughly than your city ordinances. The difference is the latter can have life altering consequences. The former is a little inconvenience in a video game.

But in either case, just not being a dick will likely mean you’re in compliance. In fact I think they should simply remove the rules and let the undesirables break the rules in ignorance and weed them out that way.

The kind of person who needs a list of do’s and don’ts isn’t one you want on your server anyway.

Love how flinging insults is fine but if anyone disagrees with you it’s personal attacks then. Grow up.

but not a problem of game balance ? if you ignore land claim system in siege mechanism ?, sure, sadly games is dying so will be good if you can stop ignore problem, without even talking about the fact that someone can place a bed at 8 foundation range of your base, and make spawn a god at first second of pvp time, but at least for preventing that you can do a bubble, against trebuchet only viable defense long term is land claim proximity that will give some time to a defender.

Nobody is attacking anyone but the way you come off with most posts are a bit sarcastic and insulting. All good tho :handshake:


There you go again about some supposed unsurmountable odds. Do those things yourself or lay down and take it. FFS, if you’re going to play PVP, then actually PVP. Otherwise do PVE or quit. But at least stop whining about how you got PVP’d.

I want to know who treated you so badly, I want to buy them the next DLC for making someone run to the forums like you did.

Land claiming is never coming back friend that’s just the way it is. For better or worse

I think there’s a pretty big difference between “defensive structures” like walls, archer towers, kill boxes, etc and straight up land claim spam.

That being said, being able to prevent your base from being trebbed by not allowing enemies to build close enough to do it isn’t going to happen anymore.

And let’s be honest, for most bases, you aren’t going to get trebbed. You’re going to get bomb spammed into submission.

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What if you build defensive (and aesthetically pleasing) towers in places that trebs could be placed to hit your base? For example, building your main fort on a large-ish plateau, and then building defensive towers on nearby peaks to both defend your Keep and prevent trebs. Do you think that’s still considered an abuse, or would that be legal?

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and you still don’t see thal all players pvp quit ?

i have 14000k hours of pvp, fighting undermeshers, reporting those using third party hack.*

you want know my story ? server 1931 4 months ago, a clan joining using a third hacking program allowing to kill distance, loot locked vault, detect location of chests and players at 150 foundation range, speed hack.
I personnaly reported to fc this hack giving them the link to dl it to funcom more than one year ago, i have reported hundred of undermeshed base.

so on 1931 as the legit community was reporting and collecting datas on people using the hack problem, funcom came, and erased all bases of 5 clans and banned 20+ legit players for buidling abuse.
the hacking clan was not ban and was the only one to stay. after ban lifted i found their floating base.

that is the problem

and actually there is a problem if land claim in proximity of a base cannot be done, because it means pvp defending is no more viable. so either they modify their game, either they stop this nonsense.

and i think you have no experience at all on pvp offi servers and wonder why you post about those problems that you don’t know and understand.

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You have 14 million hours in the game? That’s nearly 1,600 years. Serious dedication there

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Yup, building bases is pointless now. Best just to live out of body vaults and hidey holes. Pretty sad state of thr game and funcom offers 0 public relations in thus regard, community managers get paid to do what exactly? Remove critical posts off the forums? But hey, make sure you buy that 3.0 DLC though.

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Forgive my ignorance here but shouldn’t proper strategy mean you have a hidey hole regardless and the valuables are stored there vs the visible taunting structure that is begging someone to knock it down? This is the largest issue I have with talking to the standard PVPers…this idea that there is only one base and nothing else. Why?

Both strategies have their advantages and disadvantages. A small hidden base is only good so long as it remains hidden. Given we’ve been exploring the Exiled Lands for years now and the library of content available online showing locations, I’m not shocked that most players go for thick, time consuming bases. Given time and enough dedication no base is completely hidden - which is why I imagine the “unbreachable” meta has formed as opposed to “unfindable”. Barring the time when undermeshing made the latter to be actually possible.

You do realize that some of these people are demanding hard caps on building pieces in other threads, right?

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On officials multiple bases can be seen as spam if reported. That is a big issue. The rules do not say its forbidden to have several bases, but most admins do not understand the purpose of having more then one base on the map nor do they have the time to find out if someone is just spamming bases for no reason or not. Also most “hidey holes” are already known by the pvp community. There are only a few places left where you can build a save stash. Personally I never felt the need to stash outside my base, since the more bases you own the more you have to watch and manage. You then need to build with different building dlc´s, so you can see in the eventlog which base of yours gets attacked. You then need to provide an immediate spawn possibility and also an exit strategy. And since “hidey holes” are small you do not have a lot of securing methodes, so raiders do not take long to get inside, which means you have almost zero chance to get the loot out once it got spotted. To have a lot of loot stashed in a tiny base that you can not secure or defend properly is a high risk. Its better to have an direct escape strategy and lesser loot in your main base. You will have a lot more time to prepare for an escape if you wish so, you may even have the time to do several transfers if you keep them busy enough. Having a secure and central maproom in your base is key if you are not a great fighter or a single player. Ofc you should have a place in mind to go for in case that you feel the need to escape. So you should also always have some building materials at hand for a tempary shelter.

Most people scout the map before raid, looking for potential targets. If they do not see a base before raidtimes they won´t search that places again during raidtime. I can´t tell everything I know about hidding stuff since I would otherwhise give away to much of knowlegde about myself, but I said it multiple times already, get to know your enemy (this is crutial), get creative and think outside the box and you will find your way and make it work.

Most people on pvp orientate on what the hardcore ones are doing. They see it as the only possible way to play the game. As if they are the ones that invented the wheel and the wheel only works this one way and no other. I never did that, maybe thats the reason why I am more confident in myself then others to deal with the current situation. Let go of old habbits, try to find your own way instead of copiing other people in the hope it will work for you too. Finding your own way makes you way more confident in yourself and less independent from others.


Because so far, EVERYONE, without exception, who has complained in these forums about having their base wiped or being banned HAVE INDEED been using some sort of exploits or have violated one of the other common sense policies. I’m going to go beyond guessing and actually claim, you did too! I know you’re frustrated that you’re not getting your way remaining unable to make everyone think that FC is evil and out to get you - for financial gain or whatever, but did you honestly expect anyone to buy into such a fantastic conspiracy theory, really?

I think it’s pretty convenient you have no screenshots (plural) too BTW. LOL It was a good try… but you failed… accept it.


Are you kidding me? You sound like the most closed minded person that I’ve ran into on this forum. For real you are saying I’m not providing pictures of a base that got deleted? What do you think we do just take pictures of our base for no reason. I’m not sure what mode you play but I’ve seen plenty of pictures of castles and little Conan towns with traders and all that good stuff but… I play pvp where people (usually) don’t build for role playing therefore why would I even want to take a screenshot of any base I build. In pvp we build for defense and efficiency. I feel like I’ve provided enough information to get my point across. Ive been banned 3 times now. 1st time we had fence stacks. (Before it was announced that fence stacking was bannable). Second time we were fighting a clan and the only way to get a treb on them was to blow their land claim, then put down our own claim in hopes we could use that to treb them the following day. My guess is that’s what got us and the third one well just read my first post. We learned or tried to figure out what we could do to avoid another ban because no one likes beating their **** in a door.( thats what we are essentially doing when we grind and fight on a busy server and then just have it all lost to FC. No “exploits” where used in building a very simple pillar base with 0 land claim spam on the ground of the pillar. Exploitation is a very broad word to use maybe you should think about that next time you use your daggers to kill every single boss in your single player session.



I think I absolutely am! I was open minded in the beginning - 3 or 4 months ago. And then I decided to keep tabs on the claims and actively investigate things for myself. The results of that three or four months later, has indeed closed my mind. It’s all a bunch of infantile selfish nonsense! Not only is it over virtual property guaranteed to disappear anyway, not only is it a game with set rules like any other game, but so far in 100% the cases the claims being made have turned out to be untrue. Sometimes manipulative lies and sometimes from ignorance, but untruths (lies) to be sure.

So, sure, as it stands for me now, I will be open minded again when someone presents evidence worthy of consideration. Until then, nah, it’s just a waste of our time! Suck it up, move on. Play the game according to he rules and stop playing the victim!


14k hours, i think you understood it :slight_smile: playing since first day of alpha release

Let me explain what is going on here. No one expects you to have screenshots. Hell its probably better for you that you don’t. Everytime I’ve been a server admin and had someone in your position provide proof, they self incriminated. I remember having to watch this video evidence claiming an opponent broke a rule on our server, not only did the video not show this. But it showed the accuser breaking several rules.

I had to rewatch that video a few times because I couldn’t process the fact this guy was literally telling on themselves with it. I didn’t think they could be that foolish, but there was the proof front and center of that foolishness. Didn’t even have the ban the guy, once it was pointed out they left on their own.

So let me explain this to you so you can cease with the pointless arguments. Here’s why the burden of proof is being requested of you. Contrary to the popular belief that Conan Exiles is dying, it is not. There are tens of thousands of players who enjoy it right now. I am a server administrator and a modder, and I spend a lot of my time doing those two things and have a blast doing it. The players on the server don’t have daily complaints like some of you do.

I don’t believe this is because we’re on a private server, at least not the only reason. While I do believe the private server experience is 100X better than official (that’s my personal opinion). It cannot be the barren wasteland you all claim it to be if you all still want to play there. If it was a quarter as bad, hell a quarter of a quarter (a 16th) as bad as you all claim. That would be enough to make me quit it in a heart beat. I have literally quit games for FAR less than the problems you all have claimed. Games I’ve had over hundreds of dollars and way more than the near 6,000 hours I have played in Conan.

So that tells me that A. You’re lying, and you did the bad things you claim you didn’t. Or B. You are exaggerating the situation. Of course its my belief its a mixture of the two. You did something you thought you could get away with, or in your opinion wasn’t that bad. But then you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar. And now you’ve been fixated on the fact that your actions ‘weren’t that bad’ for long enough to actually believe it yourself. But I doubt you did when you did them.

I can’t speak for TeleTesselator, but for me, even if you had evidence, I wouldn’t believe you. I’m just going to be honest here. As I said before, even having proof wouldn’t do you any good. And the reason why is you still want to play on officials. We’re talking claims of the worst admin abuse of all Conan Exiles and people still want to play there. “That don’t make no sense.”

Here’s another thing that is going to frustrate the crap out of you. I personally don’t like the rules FC has for their servers. I don’t like their method of enforcement. I don’t. I haven’t liked how those servers have been run for years now. But to be fair, I didn’t like the fact they were even announced 5 years ago. But it is for those reasons, I won’t play there.

But then I get flak for it. “You don’t know what its like, its so bad, you wouldn’t act the way you do if you knew how bad it was.”

Yeah smart guys, I know how bad it is. Its why I did the logical thing and decided not to play there. And its why I can’t take you all seriously. You see I was the kid who watched a sibling burn themselves on the stovetop and decided that was a bad idea. You all not only watched your sibling do it, but did it to yourselves, and then did it again a few more times. At least that’s the claim (for all we know the stove is turned off and everyone is just doing this for attention). I just can’t take that seriously.

Some of you have as much time played as I do. And by your accounts, its been thousands of hours of misery. I haven’t a decent time outside a few server outages due to some updates (no more than a MMORPG has done in the same amount of time), and then every other bad thing caused by douche players. And I don’t want to hear no BS about how it ‘used to be better’. No it hasn’t. The forums 2-3 years ago was nothing but salt about officials. Its actually gotten better about that. Its one out of 10 threads instead of every other thread.

The stupid thing is some of you were making salt threads about it years ago, and still do it now, then expect me to take it at face value. I can’t. I cannot and will not take someone seriously who complains for years, literally freaking years about something and doesn’t go for greener pastures. Just not going to do it.

I don’t really give a flip if that makes me close minded. I’m happy, I enjoy the game, I can login to it, enjoy a few hours, and log off. That’s a win in my book. The fact that you all put salt every day trying to be like me and enjoy the game as I do, makes me happy with the fact that I made the right decision to play the game in the way I do.

So thank you all for reaffirming my choices made in this game. You all show exactly how to not play this game.