Official server #1977 got reseted - Will we lose everything?

*Game mode:

  • Online official *
    Type of issue:
  • Misc *Server type
  • : PvE-Conflict *
  • South America

I just logged in the server #1977, PvE-C South America, and everything got reseted!
I got back to the Character creation and all buildings were destroyed!

Will we lose everything that took months to farm?

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Yeah, just happend.
Looks like everybody that’s trying to log into #1977 is being redirected to #1978

Acalme-se ansião, o mundo de conan retornará.

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E como você sabe disso?
Jovem libélula.

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Confio no sistema de backup dos servidores e os contratos de serviço entre os provedores de servidores :wink:

Hey there,

Many servers have been relocated to improve overall performance, 1977 included. There has been no wipe and all saved data in that server should be accessible again once maintenance is finished. If not please report back to us so we can get in contact with G-Portal.


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