Official Server gone?

What happend to the Official Server i was playing on?, I will be so mad if the server is gone forever… I put so much work, A all nighters just for the Official Server being gone…

Will it be back or not?

What server is it?

Its a Official Server EU server, Most off them are down.

Which one is it? Ill check for you and see if its up. PC?

I don’t know what the server is, Its a EU server, Its a Player Vs Environment - Conflict server, I was like level 43 i think.

I put so much work into it, There is no way i’m doing it again , Hell NO.

Its one off them g-portal crap servers which lags badly sometimes.

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:frowning: have you tried clicking “Official” in your server search list, then checking after they all load in? You level will show next to all the servers you have been on.

Hope this helps mate… I know these times in Conan are tough right now with the recent mishaps but dont quit!

Iv tried that but it doesnt come UP, If its gone i will quit, 64 hours off hard work down the drain! if it doesnt come back.

Last update messed everything up! You have to connect directly or search for the server.

Its been showing up even with the update but now the server isnt there…

Have you tried to direct connect?

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