Option to get placed thrall back as an item, instead of deleting

I’m not sure how to express this, so bear with me while I fumble. I don’t think the idea behind the thrall leveling system should be to commit to it just because. The idea should be to add variety and to make all thralls relevant and enrich the game in general. The commitment should come from players because they were enticed into committing, because they want to level thralls.

Right now, leveling is a chore at best and a pain in the ass at worst.

You know my stance by now: I’m not against using randomness for variety, but I hate slot-machine gameplay. So no, they don’t need to remove the RNG altogether, but they should revamp the leveling system. There are so many ways they could make the leveling system better without tossing it out or even getting rid of the RNG.

Or they could leave it as is and everybody levels their thralls to meta. Kinda like people already grind all the other crap there is to grind, killing the same bosses over and over until the RNGeezus blesses them and they get the coveted drop. It’s not like it would be so very different from the rest of the game. :man_shrugging:


I was responding to the idea of re-rolling if you don’t like the % RNG for each stat. If we did that, it would be easier to just remove the rolling all together. Since, once a proven meta NPC killer is out in the info threads, then that is all people will do. Re-roll until they get the % RNG numbers they want. Thus everything that went into the mechanic would be wasted .db space and resources. So i do not see any reason for a re-roll. Just capture another thrall and start again. The game has very few game play loops as it is (necessary ones at least) that at some-point it will become admin mode on officials, without actually going into admin mode.

I will be doing a write up of how far and few most game play loops are from my PVE Set City area only Test on an official populated PVE server (PS4). Spoiler,… the game has become a building simulator and/or RP game, with little to know conflict or survival skills ever really needed at endgame.

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I understood :slight_smile:

I agree that it would be easier, but it wouldn’t be the best, for the following reason:

That right there is the problem with the thrall leveling system. It’s not so much the RNG, it’s how the RNG is used. It’s sort of as if the weapons only had damage and nothing else, so you could always pick the meta by finding the weapon with the highest damage.

The thrall leveling system focuses exclusively on attributes and nothing else. To make things worse, 2 out of 5 of these attributes are dominant: vitality and strength/accuracy (depending on whether it’s a fighter or an archer). Survival is a “nice to have”, but mostly overrated. Agility should be important, but I haven’t seen anyone care about it much.

To add insult to injury, the hidden multipliers make the whole attribute system a joke.

So what I’ve been trying to say is that any problem with allowing people to reroll the stats is a symptom of a larger problem.

What you are stating is the fact that the stats are not balanced to give some sort of reward for leveling a thrall to a specific stat. That i agree. Throwing the baby out with the bath water (what a free re-roll mechanic would do) is not the answer. The answer is balancing the AI of thralls based on the 5 stats in a way that you can use them strategically. And Funcom has talked about a second follower patch coming, with more control. With that, I hope they address the useless stats. And if they do, then the need for re-rolling to admin what i want (what infinite re-rolls would end up doing) will not be needed. I say we sit back, let them follow through on their path (as stated with the whole follower change from Funcom), and see if it makes having 60 Survival worth it on a pet.

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Essentially, yes :slight_smile:

I also agree with that.

Oh, I see where we might have a misunderstanding. I wasn’t saying that we need the reroll mechanics – that’s just the side effect of implementing the thrall pick-up which would be motivated by other reasons.

This whole thing started as a discussion of why we’re not allowed to pick up our followers. My belief is that it’s because Funcom would have to choose between an implementation detrimental to server performance and an implementation that allows rerolling. I tried to explain that and I offered my opinion that rerolling is not a problem in itself. I hope that clears it up :slight_smile:

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Yeah. the thread morphed from i want to pick up my thralls (exploitable) to just let us re-itemize (thus a re-roll).

TBH, the new interface is a great step in something they promised when introducing the follower limit. We can recover a bugged thrall in the mesh, and break bond from a menu, and locate “missing” thrall on the map. Do we lose inventory? Yes. But that is also a point for Funcom, by thinking, how would an exploitive/cheesy troll use this for evil???

And unfortunately, many now say it is not enough (give an inch, and this forum will expect a mile). I do not believe the UI for thrall management is/was ever meant as an over arching QoL mechanic. It is a way to fix possible buggy issues with thralls placed because we now(will) have to monitor thrall count.


Boy I am GLAD we all agree on this. That was alot of read and reread this early in the morning. Hopefully the next AI patch will solve some problems in the meantime I have been able to locate and retrieve some of my favorite thralls. I am GLAD for what they have done so far. Ps any one notice that you have to save edit twice to make it work.

Nah, the forums are like this since they got DDoS-ed and had to put in additional protection. Just refresh the page after saving the edit and you should see the new version.


Thrall cap = placed thralls + picked up thralls.

Unlike you, I did not ignored anything. Everything I said can be done within limitation funcom made because of their terrible database (its not like it will help with performance anyway).

I have no idea why is it so hard for you to understand one single concept.
For example:

  1. I want to move my base
  2. I pickup all of my thralls
  3. I go to a new base
  4. I place them back

So what are these new limitations again you are talking about?!
Also, majority of players does not even know what they want, so I am quite sure you don’t know either. At least I know what you want.

I can spot one, but that is not subject of this thread…

I am sure you don’t but good for you

sometimes it takes me some time to realize that it is not worth discussing further, but at least I still realize it :+1:

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