Online Unofficial Modded / Official
Crash: Pak-File Corrupted
the game regularly throws me out, mostly with the Pak file corrupted message
just playing
Online Unofficial Modded / Official
Crash: Pak-File Corrupted
the game regularly throws me out, mostly with the Pak file corrupted message
just playing
Betriebsystemname | Microsoft Windows 10 Pro |
Version | 10.0.18363 Build 18363 |
Weitere Betriebsystembeschreibung | Nicht verfĂĽgbar |
Betriebsystemhersteller | Microsoft Corporation |
Systemname | DESKTOP-RJRDTC7 |
Systemhersteller | System manufacturer |
Systemmodell | System Product Name |
Systemtyp | x64-basierter PC |
System-SKU | SKU |
Prozessor | Intel® Core™ i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 4001 MHz, 4 Kern(e), 8 logische® Prozessor(en) |
BIOS-Version/-Datum | American Megatrends Inc. 1803, 06.05.2016 |
SMBIOS-Version | 3.0 |
Version des eingebetteten Controllers | 255.255 |
BIOS-Modus | UEFI |
BaseBoard-Hersteller | ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. |
BaseBoard-Produkt | Z170-K |
BaseBoard-Version | Rev X.0x |
Plattformrolle | Desktop |
Sicherer Startzustand | Ein |
PCR7-Konfiguration | Bindung nicht möglich |
Windows-Verzeichnis | C:\WINDOWS |
Systemverzeichnis | C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
Startgerät | \Device\HarddiskVolume2 |
Gebietsschema | Deutschland |
Hardwareabstraktionsebene | Version = “10.0.18362.752” |
Benutzername | DESKTOP-RJRDTC7\Nick |
Zeitzone | Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit |
Installierter physischer Speicher (RAM) | 24,0 GB |
Gesamter physischer Speicher | 23,9 GB |
VerfĂĽgbarer physischer Speicher | 10,8 GB |
Gesamter virtueller Speicher | 39,8 GB |
VerfĂĽgbarer virtueller Speicher | 21,0 GB |
Größe der Auslagerungsdatei | 15,9 GB |
Auslagerungsdatei | C:\pagefile.sys |
Kernel-DMA-Schutz | Aus |
Virtualisierungsbasierte Sicherheit | Nicht aktiviert |
Unterstützung der Geräteverschlüsselung | Ursachen dafür, dass die automatische Geräteverschlüsselung nicht erfolgreich war: Das TPM ist nicht verwendbar., Die PCR7-Bindung wird nicht unterstützt., Fehler bei der Schnittstelle für Hardwaresicherheitstests. Das Gerät unterstützt kein Modern-Standby., Unzulässige DMA-fähige Busse/Geräte erkannt, Gemäß Richtlinien deaktiviert, Das TPM ist nicht verwendbar. |
Hyper-V - VM-Monitormoduserweiterungen | Ja |
Hyper-V - SLAT-Erweiterungen (Second Level Address Translation) | Ja |
Hyper-V - Virtualisierung in Firmware aktiviert | Nein |
Hyper-V - DatenausfĂĽhrungsverhinderung | Ja |
[2020.10.22-13.03.06:995][486]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Gameplay/Camps_NPC/Camps-NPC_x3_y4_Interactables.uasset”
[2020.10.22-13.03.07:003][487]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Gameplay/Camps_NPC/Camps-NPC_x3_y4_Interactables.uasset”
[2020.10.22-13.03.07:568][505]LogNet: NotifyStreamingLevelUnload: PersistentLevel
[2020.10.22-13.03.09:259][558]LogNet: NotifyStreamingLevelUnload: PersistentLevel
[2020.10.22-13.03.11:058][617]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Gameplay/Camps_NPC/Camps_NPC_x3_y5.uasset”
[2020.10.22-13.03.11:065][618]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Gameplay/Camps_NPC/Camps_NPC_x3_y5.uasset”
[2020.10.22-13.03.16:105][791]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x2_y4LOD/Heightmap_x2_y4_LOD1.uasset”
[2020.10.22-13.03.16:112][792]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x2_y4LOD/Heightmap_x2_y4_LOD1.uasset”
[2020.10.22-13.03.16:214][795]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x2_y5LOD/Heightmap_x2_y5_LOD1.uasset”
[2020.10.22-13.03.16:222][796]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x2_y5LOD/Heightmap_x2_y5_LOD1.uasset”
[2020.10.22-13.03.16:407][802]LogScriptCore:Warning: Script Msg: Attempted to access index 0 from array CallFunc_GetAllActorsOfClass_OutActors of length 0!
[2020.10.22-13.03.16:459][802]LogStreamableManager:Error: RequestAsyncLoad called with empty or only null assets!
[2020.10.22-13.03.18:130][864]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Mods/TheColdEmbrace-Main/ElvenCovenant/Props/ElvenWaterskin.uasset”
[2020.10.22-13.03.21:594][988]LogNet: NotifyStreamingLevelUnload: PersistentLevel
[2020.10.22-13.03.21:687][990]LogNet: NotifyStreamingLevelUnload: PersistentLevel
[2020.10.22-13.03.22:289][ 10]LogNet: NotifyStreamingLevelUnload: PersistentLevel
[2020.10.22-13.03.26:844][173]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Gameplay/Gameplay_AbandonedKeep_EntranceExits.uasset”
[2020.10.22-13.03.26:849][174]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Gameplay/Gameplay_AbandonedKeep_EntranceExits.uasset”
[2020.10.22-13.03.27:351][194]LogPakFile:Error: Pak chunk signing mismatch! Pak file has been corrupted or tampered with!
[2020.10.22-13.03.28:790][243]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2020.10.22-13.03.28:790][243]Log file closed, 10/22/20 15:03:28
That is my Log-File…
Can anybody tell me how to fix this ?
Hey @Nickibaer
Based on the log provided, it seems there is a mod causing issues. Make sure to disable to mod causing this issue or update it to a version that is compatible with the latest base game version.
It happens all the time to me. Just with Conan. No other game causes it. There is no MOD or anything. Already reinstalled steam. I’m using Windows 10 with a top pc. Something is wrong with this game.
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