Paragon levels - on gear

I’m bored. There isn’t anything to do, and my server is dead.

I was thinking how cool it’d be to 1. be able to jump into a cross realm dungeon and fight along other people / against other people 2. If there was more to grind - but make the grind fun and purposeful

Then I thought about Diablo, and the paragon system. I think the idea is great, but in the world of Conan, it should be on unique gear pieces not on the character themselves. If each gear slot (head, chest, a weapon etc) had it’s own paragon, that leveled as you used it in encounters / grinding world mobs / pvp, the particular piece would be very valuable and a target for contention, while rewarding the player themselves with a buff. The gear is tradeable, winable in fights, and purposeful to get - if you get raided and you lost it all, or you lose a fight and you lost it - it’s fine you can do it all again.

I feel like it’d give something to build other than bases - and imagine how valuable legendary repair kits would become! Maybe we could even have a world arena that you could cue up for fights in that gives people something to watch and that would have great stream appeal too!

Yeah I agree, but i’m saying the items would level, you as the player woudn’t - it’d encourage more pvp and something to do when bored - grind mobs & dungeons with purpose

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