Passive abilities would be nice to have. They would add small bonus and offer special bonus and roles for roleplaying. Note that these ideas she be added after age of sorcery. You gain ability points by leveling up. Max total of 100 ability points. You get two ability points on level 1-40. One ability point from 41-60. Yes two ability points on level 1.
Each tree offers up 50 points in each tree. The max damage,speed,armor penetration bonus is increase of 10%. Each point increase by 1%. Max of 10 points.
Free abilities auto learn at level one. Catch player or thrall from fall damage. HP transfer you lose life and give it to a player or thrall. Carry a player or thrall. Carrying a player or thrall is 50+their inventory. Group carry two or more players carry a thrall or player. Carry group player or thrall is 50+inventory weight/players.
Strength: Focus on strength base weapons damage,speed, armor penetration. Weapons abilities. Physical strength abilities as well.
Agility: Focus on agility weapons damage, speed and penetration.
Stealth:This ability tree offers stealth options for players both passive and active abilities.
Crafting: This ability tree offers faster crafting, reduces resources cost and all crafting related abilities and passives.
Alchemy: This ability tree offers up reduced weight on potions and orbs, longer effects on potions and orbs and reduced cost in crafting speed/crafting cost on potions and orbs. Also potions and orbs increase damage. Potions and orbs active abilities.
Thrall/ pet army: These abilities increase thrall/pet follow limit. Offers up new thralls. Thrall gender manipulation with special thrall abilities. Thrall stat boost from gear. Bonus armor added to armor for both pets and thralls. The max thralls following the player is a plus three when 50 points is in the thrall/pet army ability tree. Meaning without charisma or whatever it’s called now. You have four thralls/pets following you.
Defense: passes that increase your health, stamina,armor, carry weight and access to defense abilities. There plus 40 to health, armor, stamina or carry weight. These ones have a max rank of 5. This type of armor can be added on unarmored and armor stats.
Unarmored: These abilities focus on increase armor for unarmored players. Unarmored armor bonus don’t stack with armor. Also body temperature control when unarmored. Also increase armor, health, stamina and carry weight increase when you are unarmored. There a plus 40 health, stamina, armor or carry weight. Those have a max rank of 5. These effects only unarmored player.
Fist: These abilities focus on fist damage, attack speed and armor penetration. Also focus on fist abilities.
Sorcery: this is the one I wanted to focus on. Sorcery passives are only effective by placing 50 points into sorcery passives. Sorcery passives requires you corrupted your stats as well. Passive sorcery abilities has blue corruption allowing you to have full access to your health and stamina but still be corrupted.
The heart of darkness: reduction of bad effects of sorcery by 1% per rank. Max rank of 10%. Meaning you still are corrupted but you regain max of 10% of your health and stamina. The heart of darkness automatically slowly corrupts your body. This effect can’t be stopped. This increase total health and stamina access to 60%.
The eyes of darkness: allows player to see in darkness,the night and in fog. Also reduce bad effects of sorcery by another 1% per rank. It maxes out at 10. Requirement is max out the heart of darkness. Total health and stamina access is now 70% at max the eyes of darkness.
The body of darkness: plus 10 armor and health per rank. Reduction of bad sorcery effects by another 10%. This increase total health and stamina access now to 80%. Requirement is to max out the heart of darkness.
The hands of darkness: All pouches cost is now reduce to 1 of everything. You also gain 3x sorcery resources. Reduction of bad sorcery effects by another 1% per rank. Max rank of 10%. This increase total health and stamina access to 90%. Requirement is to max out hands of darkness.
The mind of darkness: Your sorcery spells last 3 times Longer and are 100% stronger. Reduction of bad sorcery effects by 1% per rank. Max rank of 10%. This increase total health and stamina access to 100%. Requirement is to max out the hands of darkness.