Performance issues fix

I can’t even get out of my base on ps4 official server can you PLEASE PLEASE focus on performance and performance only for this game nobody can play this game on ps4 anymore y’all keep updating and adding stuff to the point where the game can’t be played please put a patch on performance for ps4 there is a major rendering problem where bases or bubbles or lots of loot is at focus on PERFORMANCE PLEASE


As a PS5 player i totally agree with you.

My clan lost 3 players, because of them unable to play.
Now a days you cant protect any base against lightning especially with those PS3 loading times.


Yeah it’s got crazy I have a upgraded ssd so I load quickly with no problems just can’t play due to rendering issues I tried playing yest couldn’t get out of base without freezing 7 times half freeze half is blue screen I’m woundering if it will work on p4 pro don’t know anybody that plays on pro

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Yeah lightning is broken rn. it’s way to strong it shouldn’t go through buildings and break benches like that, I’m cool with it doing damage the radius it’s damaging is kind of way to much. It should go through bubbles but anything the main bubble is protecting maybe decrease the damage significantly. Cause right now there’s no point of having a base. Only cave bases are meta and that’s like 2 -3 on each map like cmon. Also people are using magic to blue screen/ people on purpose while they re being raided. Before 3.0 it was never this laggy yeah youll blue screen once in a blue moon but not every 10-15 mins


Same we are fighting people that use magic to blue screen and it works 100 percent against people on ps4 and yes the lightning is extremely too much literally that’s the meta for raiding people rn use lighting and lag em out at the same time this game seems to be about the sale and not the performance once they had made the sale they could care less if you play or don’t play the money already in their bank account that’s why they keep adding stuff and advertising it


Dont waste money on a PS4 pro.

I got a PS4 with a SSD and i dont even think about playing on it. It was already hard on Siptah.
I play on a PS5 and even on a PS5 now a days its not fun.
Our full clan that had conan as their main game. Moved fully to a other pvp game.

We just gathered our full group finally together because of the new update. Usually we dont care about small bugs, we work around it. But we reached a point where we cant keep playing anymore.

We all did buy the DLCs when ever they had a new one. But we also all didnt buy the battle pass. The update itself already did be a joke and some cosmetics from the battle pass isnt gonna help our loading times even more… Maybe if they make a lightning shield. I would buy the battle pass. :joy::joy:
Im laughing, but its kinda sad the state we arrived at.


Bro, on Exiled lands only the crevice is safe on some parts. Any other location is GG

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Yeahh mine has an ssd also it didn’t do much for me except load screen are faster once I load in my screen is flashing for a min then I can’t hardly move do to lag I used to play this game no problem whole base with 8 vaults fool of loot no problem no freeze no lag except you usual Conan lag every now and then but still playable now it’s got to the point I’ve deleted the game and pissed bc I got back hooked but can’t play took a break for about a year came back and this is what it is :man_facepalming: My whole clan 8 deep froze at same time last night during pvp at own base all of them on p5 I’m the only on p4


Btw funcom please don’t respond with send video evidence turn your ps4 on go to official server that has good player list go run around someone’s base with a bubble up and you’ll see for yourself or try to pull your all new “staff” out and you’ll freeze take some of the money pay the techs to focus on performance and rendering for ps4. If it’ll run smooth on ps4 it’ll def run smooth on ps5 if everyone on p4 that’s had this game a while started wanting refunds I bet something would shake about the performance and rendering people want to be able to pvp and defend their base and raid other bases without a problem the whole point of the pvp option in Conan # RIPP CONAN


The performance issues are pretty bad right now.

I’m rubberbanding and getting stuck.

Can’t even cast magic without it freezing game.
Can’t even flip through tabs safely without it freezing.

I’m not the only one on my server having these issues. Nor in my household. All ps4.


Anddddd no response from funcom :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:


I’m basically replying to help keep the topic up as I’m having the same issues.
When I log in (PS4) I get the screen flashing to and from black, I constantly lag and a lot of stuff doesn’t even load in. I haven’t blue screened but instead I keep freezing for no real reason. Looking around? Frozen. Can’t press options, can’t open inventory, can’t look around- nothing. End up having to close app. Load in to the flashy screen again. Go back to base and about to open a cabinet, frozen again. Same deal. Tried to use the orb to change my hair- frozen, big surprise.
I literally tried playing the game for the first time in like a year yesterday and it was nothing but constant lags and freezing. I actually died because of the lag at least once, and I ended up frozen like I described at least once every 15 minutes. Needless to say I played less than 2 hours of that bull, just journeyed to my friend’s base.
Pretty much unplayable on PS4. But the game is still available on PS4 :thinking::thinking:
Sounds to me like Funcom really needs to get their PS4 testers, if they have any, replaced because this is a real issue with probably about a 1/3 of their customers/fanbase. I, personally, don’t feel like supporting the game right now (by purchasing on any other console or the battle pass) since I can’t even play the game.


Experienced all of this.

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Not on servers but single player lags and even the main menu lags (it’s not my hardware cas I can run gow Ragnarok on maxed settings without frame rate dips so yea they need to focus on performance (ps4 and ps5)

Still brutal. Everything is black or invisible, the game freezes up every few seconds. Will they ever fix this? It’s practically unplayable at this point.