Pets irl. I’m curious

So there are so many threads about pets here, and in game I cried when the witch queens lackeys killed my greater wolf… but this is not what this post is about…

This is about real pets… show us a pic of your pet… we may disagree on how ce is, but one thing puts us on the same team… love of pets…
So show us your babykiddo… i’ll Start…


An excuse to post a picture of my cat? Don’t mind if I do!


She’s watching me!


That’s one thing I don’t miss about having a longhair, all the maintenance. I almost never have to iron my cat.


I love pet threads! I remember we had one last year, too. Maybe we can find that one and merge it with this. There were some lovely pet pictures on there too :slight_smile:

Here is my fur baby Moogles:


This is Taffeta! :smiley: She loves belly rubs and snuggling.


Petunia… our smallest of 4, impersonating a burrito.


Petunia looks like an ewok… sooo cute…
They all look cute… what a great thread to wake up to…



This is Pepper, being an absolute loaf.


4lb. mini-BOSS.


I also had a tortoiseshell named Pepper for many years.

She was a dang good cat.


I am surprised by the fact you are all cat people. (when your dog is that small it is a cat that can’t use a litter box) :stuck_out_tongue:


Lol yes, cats are strange… most run at the sound of a vacuum, but we had a rag doll once who would literally lie in front of it so you could vacuum him too…

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I think Pepper is my long lost twin… I lie like that on hot days…

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Kaz, I like both, but I had to rehome my woofie because when I had to move a unit is no place for a 48 kg lapdog…


My two hens.

My chickens trying to get at my cat Mango’s food before I adopted her.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My cat Mango on my yoga mat.

My ducks.


I made this post back in October, really believing my doggo had only a matter of days with us left. I’m pleased to report that he is still happy and eating. He still very much takes a ton of my time every day to help support him, as he is essentially under hospice care, so he needs help with doing everything (walking, eating, etc). But every day is a huge blessing with him continuing to be his silly self in our lives. I just took this the other day:

Since my dog has a brain tumor, his neck will bother him sometimes (it’s a symptom of brain tumors to have a sore neck), so we use the cushy donut to help give him support. He doesn’t always like it, but often he can’t sleep without it.

Guest appearance, the other doggo of the house, but he was adopted late in his life when his previous owners passed away. Major pain in the rear but he has his cute moments.


One eye was yellow, the other was brown.

They were both yellow at first, but then one of them developed a little brown splotch that gradually spread over her entire iris.


Dude, I give you my respect… sometimes people are way to quick with getting rid of pets that require too much care…
Yes sometimes qol makes it a no brainer, but it sounds like his quirky self knows you get joy from that, and he gets his qol from being with you guys more than the pain can take it away…

Wish you guys many many more good days…


Yes, it’s just our mindset that as long as we can manage his symptoms and he is still happy and eating and all of those things, we’ll do whatever we need to do. We changed our vet back in August or September (can’t remember exactly when) for that very reason, because after the like, 4th time the vet insisted we put him to sleep (over a year length), we went to a vet who was willing to give us a second opinion. Said vet disagreed with the putting my doggo to sleep, so did the vet hospital, so we made that change. Best choice we made in this whole thing.

Anyways, he deserves to have as many happy days as we can give him, so we’ll do whatever we must to give him those days.