Please continue to let logged out characters disappear

Game mode: [Online | pvp]
| Performance
Region: [EU]

Not a complaint, I love this “bug”…

Earlier in game, the characters remained in the world for a week. Making it impossible to take a gaming break for some days. Now the logged out characters turn invisible after maybe 6-12 hours. I really love this and hope this is not a bug! Please Funcom, continue to let characters be invisible after a short time. I´m not a thypical gamer with all freetime to game. This helps me being able to continue the game, also in pvp. They destroy my doors and break into house when im not able to defend, but with some stuff on my character I can more easily continue game after a offline raid. I really hope the timer for offline characters remaining in world, continue to be short.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

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