Possible the worst launch ive been with!

Your basically right in a away, the devs showcase on their version of the game. Which won’t have lag cuz it’s running off their internal servers with at max 50 player/ devs/ employees (there’s only 50 dev under Conan exiles)?and their ping would be 30 or lower. They also most likely stage it a little. But for players I’d say most streams and vids r on pc and some videos I see from ps4, they do have same bugs

I have to say they are a lot of good bits and bad bits about this game I really enjoy the building, crafting, gathering resources and exploring but the bad definitely outweighs the good.

I actually can’t believe you guys have the cheek to charge us over £40 for this game the amount of issues and bugs that work against u when u are playing are just unbearable wither its ur body after death disappearing, combats bugs, audio issues, lag and stuttering the list goes on.

I do have hope for this game and I want to see it work but the devs better get to work or people will leave this game by the masses. People are so sick of being ripped off after putting their time and money into a game that yes we know isn’t finished but the issues in front of us are game breaking and we get fed up. Now I just wanna quickly speak about the new dlc coming out I’ve heard that the money from this dlc will help pay for further development but keep in mind ur making people pay more money for a game that is already far from finished…

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Of course! That game is a true mistake of Nature.

They play on the master Race PC of course It wont have so many bugs like here.

They definetly won’t see any other money (DLC) from me.
The game is bugged and failed in promises (Mounts? pets?)
Why should I even really bother in buying something that surely won’t work?

And I say it with sadness, game has many interesting aspects, but it is (too) poorly programmed or enginereed (or what else). Stucking into doors, audio that doesn’t work, enemy glitching and bugging from invisibility to immortality (they attack you but they are not still allocated so you can’t hit 'em) and countless more…
And they really expect me buying a DLC?
They should give it free: I payed 50 euro for being a beta tester, I should be payed instead (and all of us of course).

I heard the DLC would be free.? it better be. I already paid 50$ a month ago so if the game and servers are still bugged and laggy they BETTER fix the game first before trying to sell more bugs (sorry…DLC) or be free.

If the dlc is free then fair enough it would be a nice bonus for the people who have paid for the unfinished game.
I currently just finished installing their 3gb update so hopefully in that update there is many bugs,
issues and such we are all having been addressed cos I agree with what people are saying that the game is a brilliant idea just needs pushed in the right direction.

‘Our roadmap consists of major updates, minor updates, and paid cosmetic DLC that will add new content, mechanics and gameplay to Conan Exiles.’

Where did you hear it was free? I’d get it then myself.

i agree, I should have at least 5 max level characters now, but every time I get to level 30, I can’t stay logged in long enough to move 10 feet. It really ■■■■■■ me off. I want my money back.

It would have been so much smarter for them to hold off on the DLC and prioritize thos 500 fix patch.

Even if the team on the DLC has nothing to do with the 500 fix patch. Offering a DLC when there’s so much still broke with the game STILL feels like such a kick in the face.