Preorder armor and sword missing

Game mode: [ Select one: (Online official and Single-player | Co-op)]
Type of issue: [ Select one: Bug ]
Server type: [ PvE-Conflict ]
Region: [ NA ]
Hardware: [ Xbox ]

I originally got the digital game while it was in early access. But I loved the game so much I preorder and got the physical collector’s edition as well. Both on Xbox. Microsoft has dont this “play anywhere” thing now. So now I’m playing it on my new pc. All my dlc ported over to the windows 10 version, all but my Conan armor and sword. I tried to redownload them, but it won’t let me. Plus I have the dlc installed on my xbox, but it’s missed in game. I can find the sword or armor at all on my xbox. I know it’s a hand craft, but it’s not there. I can’t find it in my feats either.

Twitch drops, preorder bonus, and early access bonus are currently bugged on all platforms; no one has them at this time. Hopefully will be fixed by 3.0 launch

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Ah, I see. Do you know of anyway to redownload the dlc itself? I can’t find it in the Xbox/Microsoft store

They aren’t listed as “dlc”. They’re recipes in the game with account-specific permissions. Those permissions are what is broken currently

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I found it, went to the store page and it says it’s playable on Xbox one and Xbox series X/S. I guess on off to yell into the void on the Microsoft side of things. Thanks for the help though :upside_down_face:

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