Problem with DLCs hatch Doors in CoOp

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Co-op
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=
Mods: SlaveWarsServer.pak BarbarianBarber.pak maleNewFaces.pak femaleNewFaces.pak PeopleOfHyboria.pak Weaty_CustomHeads.pak BarbarianSurgeon.pak ForgottenDepths.pak HighHeels.pak Improved_Quality_of_Life.pak AccessoryEquipment.pak StylistPlus.pak RA.pak immersivearmor.pak WeatyArmorPack.pak Deadlands_Armory.pak EvilsCabinet.pak slaverMod2.pak Devious_Desires.pak ModControlPanel.pak No_Building_Placement_Restrictions.pak 300.pak

Bug Description:

The hatch doors of the DLCs (i own everyone) are very difficult to trigger (open) when you’re on top of them, and basically impossible to open when you’re on the level down with the hatch door on your head

Bug Reproduction:

The hatch doors of the DLCs are very difficult to trigger (open) when you’re on top of them, and basically impossible to open when you’re on the level down with the hatch door on your head

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