PS4 PVE Private Server

Looking for Chill Adults who are relaxed and just want to enjoy the game. Currently only 2 players looking to expand build some cool stuff and explore :slight_smile: NA Server

Hi whats your psn name? Id like to try yall out. I know a little about the game. I have been on a private server since the begining but the guys i started with have quit playing. Im also profecient in building, i have a walled city with a keep on ps4. Give me a holla and ill send you some pictures when im on this afternoon PsN Twinkster30.

What are the settings on the server? Mainly the EXP rates and the Gathering rates. I have been running my own server, but there are so many online, that its hard to get people into it, so I am giving up and just gunna play on someone elses… but I dont wanna grind too much again lmao