Purges are now triggered manually by the player (through the Proclaim Wealth button in the new Hoard Coffer interface!).
New Coffer Interface can also be used to sell treasures in your coffer for Gold Coins!
Initiating a Purge will cause a Stygian Forward Operating Base to spawn nearby and begin sending waves of enemies to assault your base and steal your treasure!
Including enemies that will attack using the all new Battering Ram to punch through your base even faster!
To trigger a Purge successfully there must be a valid path from outside of your base all the way through to your Hoard and Coffer. Should this path be destroyed or blocked the Purge will retreat.
Thralls can now be assigned to guard any doors in-game to help you defend from the new Purge, simply assign a thrall while hovering over one of the “ghosts” that will appear showing its assignment slot and confirming.
Purge difficulty is scaled to the amount of treasure inside of your coffer!
After a significant portion of your treasures are successfully stolen, the attacking army will retreat victoriously. (You Lose!)
Repel enough waves to trigger the Hand of War boss to reveal himself and join the fight!
Killing the Hand of War will end the Purge, dropping keys to loot the FOB’s reward chests and release captives that have been taken by the Stygian army! (You Win!)
Be sure to bring any stolen and new treasures back to your hoard to increase your overall wealth to continue increasing the difficulty levels of the Purge.
Captured prisoners that are released inside the Forward Operating Base can serve as your Thralls! As well as a chance for special prisoner who will act as a temporary store in gratitude to sell you special items and resources to help you in future Purges! (With a new Vendor interface!)
Including Mercenary Banners that will spawn Mercenary Allies to assist you in battle!
New challenges are implemented:
Defeat 1 Strong player focused Purge enemy.
Defeat 5 Strong player focused Purge enemies.
Defeat 10 Strong player focused Purge enemies.
Defeat a Purge wave.
Defeat all Purge waves.
Defeat a Purge Boss.
Loot Revamp
NPCs now have a chance of dropping their actually worn equipment and weapon/s
Camp chests now grant better, more interesting, and more usable loot. Gone are the days of finding plant-fiber and stone in chests. In addition, loot-chests are now much more contextual and will grant you Darfari-related loot while in a Darfari-camp, etc.
Various interactables can now be found in some of the camps. This already was the case for Siptah, but we have now added several interactables to camps in the Exiled Lands as well.
Dungeons have been tweaked to fit this paradigm as well - loot in dungeons are now more exciting, and dungeons have had several tweaks to them in order to make them more interesting; adding optional bosses, adjusting loot drops from bosses, adding traps, and so forth.
Legendary chests no longer spawn in the world next to so-called World Bosses. Instead, you may find legendary chests at the end of dungeons.
The Library of Esoteric Knowledge and the Voidforge no longer grants completely random recipes. Instead, the system is deterministic and will give you a recipe that you do not have.
Black Ice weapons no longer require hardened steel weapons as a crafting ingredient
Added various grinder/fluid press recipes for plants and seeds that did not have them before.
Dungeon Tweaks
Dungeons have been tweaked to fit this paradigm as well; loot in dungeons is now more exciting!
Dungeons have had several tweaks to them in order to make them more interesting; adding optional bosses, adjusting loot drops from bosses, adding traps, and so forth.
Age of War Chapter 2 Battle Pass includes new pets, armor, emotes, and more! The rewards will let you personalize your very own treasure room, as if you were a rich Turanian Prince.
Age of War Chapter 2 Bazaar includes new pets, armor, emotes, and more!
Support for upcoming Twitch Drops campaigns. Keep an eye on our social channels for more dates and details!
Added new ability for Humanoid characters to be able to rotate during the beginning motions of their attacks, allowing positioning and aiming adjustments briefly during the start of their attack animation
Changed hyperarmor (stagger immunity) to only exist for specific animations with visible high velocity or heavy animations (two handed weapon heavy attacks for example)
The slashing visual effects of one handed swords is now properly aligned with their model during sprint attacks.
Greater pets with skins will no longer deal less damage than their default counterparts.
Avatars damage is now properly considered PvP damage, meaning that players can only be damaged by avatars during raids or when otherwise considered a valid PvP target.
Fixed an issue where the Mitra avatar blueprint did not inherit proper damage variables.
Bows now do less damage the further the arrow travels.
Orbs now detonate instantly on impact, regardless of light/heavy attack use.
Javelins and missile weapons have had their damage increased.
The Steel Thewed perk now prevents your character from taking more than 33% damage per hit instead of 25%.
Last Stand now lasts 3 seconds, reduced from 6.
Priests can no longer summon a “god bubble” (God Protection).
Avatars now last 10 times as long but do 10 times less damage with their attacks.
Trebuchet Health Increased from 5000 to 10000. Crafting times for Trebuchets greatly decreased (to a total of 10 minutes). Non-explosive barrages now also do a smaller amount of splash damage.
Damage from Wight Minibosses in the Winecellar has been reduced.
Dismantling legendary items will now give back 100% of their dismantle value, regardless of their durability.
Tools no longer damage resources that they cannot harvest.
Vendors at Mek-Kamoses have been instructed that players do not need a secret pass phrase to purchase the last item in their inventory. They will now properly show all items they offer for sale at all times.