Public Beta Client- Age of Heroes Chapter 1 Update Discussion Megathread

Feral flesh makes hyenas get poisoned,i don´t know if it´s a bug or is a new modification in the BETA update.

that is very close to 0,0. In the devkit when you first open, there is a mod level for testing without loading the entire map.

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funcom please, at least let me break bonds with the thralls i have lost to the multiverse :pleading_face:

thinking , they should have not touched the crafter thralls but instead ,. added crafters companions with their story , those that can be leveled and gain perks, relevant to their craftmanship and they could just add a bonus on top of existing benches with their trhalls, think of it as a form of supervisor, who would walk around and supeervise, go eat sleep etc,
so as companions go, 1 blacksmith will be enough to take care of all the other blacmskmith benches and thralls, (make it so all effects are clan wide or to player assets, ), add maybe a nice recipe to thee beenches around his inflience? those would obviously to the settlement feeling more alive. as it is now on beta, it does exactly the opposite of bringing life to the settlement.

same with an alchemist companion, a smelter one, an armroer one, a cook , a carpenter, a taskmaster. etc.

@den we should be adding not limiting. (my 2 cents)

I´ve got a fully working wheel,by now.
Found four T4 thralls inside!!!
Darfari Witch Doctor and T4 armour,and 2 Reliq Hunters,archer and warrior

,is just to see how they are.Life,strenght and other stuff.

Behind task master and the wall there is a solid rock,there are 2 mtrs distance from the rock to the wall,the other side is next to another wall,mini base.

Just one curious thing.
In my camp no one do anything except the Armour T4,just eat from thrall pot and sleep.
I have ask him to follow me and suddenly he starts running.
I have seen him just running going though the rock behind the wall of the whell building,not exactly between the wall and the rock but the same rock.

Other thing,as warriors Darfari are clearly so inferior than others.
Is not cool,is so lowered life…Darfari WItch don´t have armour at all…
And armourer is penouss…WTF,WTF,WTF

By the way, I regret eliminating Witch Doctor Darfari yesterday.

Other thing,i can not place the 65 thrall.

And,well,he is T4,eslaver,maybe a little more would be better…he can not help me against skull boss and other boss from Dead City.

Well,i´ve got him…saved from cage,one of the first or the first.

Level up thralls is so much time.
I need to finish my camp now i have a lot of thralls…lets see if can have a live camp when i put the crafting tables and the other things right placed.

Edited some mts after…my thralls are at the crafting stations,they don´t stop and eat…but at least are there.

Warning that if you have a T4 Alchemist and/or Cook then place a lower tier thrall such as a T1 Cook, the T1 Cook will be the only accessible thrall on a cauldron.

What if you pick up the cauldron and place it again, does it change anything?

Not for me so far. It’s happened on all tiers of cauldrons too.

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Let’s go. I got my treehouse build and it just keeps growing.

I need to test the living settlement in it


Please add a longstaff for the new sorcerer companion or add a spear with staff skin.

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Tried logging in today, hoping a restart or something would have cleared my issues. Nope, still fatal error within the first 5 minutes of play, even on my base. I’ve restarted the computer, revalidated the files in steam, and the fatal errors won’t stop. Very depressing. If there’s a link to a fatal error fix with this patch let me know.

I’m still on Siptah and all is well, functioning as intended, but maybe because the Siptah beta doesn’t have all the features of the exiled lands?

So I logged back in to the game and was of course stuck in the rubberband tether. I rolled and decided I wasn’t going to wait for the 30sec to 1 min for it to stop, so I pulled bracelet. Game froze with my dead body visible, then black, went to the loading screen and now I am in the desert spawn. I can’t actually initiate my selection of bed or desert as my 2 options, I can’t get out of this.

Pressing Esc does bring up the menu, I had to exit the server. Logging back in I am at the desert spawn. I pulled bracelet and successfully returned to my bed.

Oh for fornicating Set’s sake. Funcom would you please give us on the beta server the same courtesy as live and give us a warning before closing the server for a restart. :rage:

there is another issue,we have not discussed.

balance among factions, game is not really well balanced , and i can tell ,crafters aint going to be the exception.

I ask for it too.
I will tell you in a few days,maybe more,i´ve got 5 Darfari T4,Interpreter(Dancer),Armorer,Cooker,Sorceress and,again Darfari Witch,well,she Doctor,a few days ago i eliminated He-Doctor…have so penous life but stats are cool in a few…well,all are cool…i will raise them up just to see how much stats can have…by the way,armorer craft backpack with extra weight and Maru the cooker cook honey strips!!!
Four are taken from inside wheel and the four move around tha camp,well,my camp is not clearly defined,a small building and crafting tables along the ground

Today i have seen a few bugs.

Here is only Darfari Witch not Maru the cooker

I can not assing T4 alchemist.

I have take T3 alchemist and Maru the cooker far away,i have not cheked if Maru was still marked because i have check Cooking bench first,i wanted to know is he has any new recipe,and,pum,just selecting cooking bench pressing “E” CTD,reload,again,press “E” and CTD,reload and take back to camp the alchemist and cooker,then no CTD.
I´ve send to Funcom the Log with the error.

I will post pics if i found anything.

Hello @Caroll

One question as a private server owner please:

As the existing worker thralls will be converted into normal thralls, will it be possible to enable/disable the thrall counter for these new thralls, by using a server option?

Of course we can just increase the thrall limit before the patch, but I think using a server setting would be the better way, to handle them different (otherwise the players can get much more fighter thralls too).

Thank you!

He is not bad,or really bad,i haven´t check him against a berseker or a cimmerian,against bosses is not helpfully,at level 9 i was funny,very happy,he was raising life and other stats…at level 10 he has lost 3 strengh points…WORST EVER those red numbers,at level 14 he was raising again and he had 1707 life points at level 15 this…well,tomorrow i´ll see how much he can be.
He starts with 312 HP life points.

I know is Darfari,down the map,but he could be better,i have some Cimmerians,ones from cages others slavered…and they are pretty cool,no agility and no grit by the way…i need to go Volcano,but i was playing during the fatals events of Thralls stats reduction many months ago…i know a few from Volcano wich were usually cool…now i don´t know.
I prefer raise a few T4 Darfarias i´ve got…just to see…
The only good thing from Maru,Uram…is i need at least 4 finished combos with extra penetration last hit to kill him…i was planning to hit a thrall from another player but i don´t want troubles.

WTF, red numbers make me want to throw the computer through the window.

Grit is not so useful,life goes down very quickly…and he don´t have so much live!!!
Perks are not relative,so raise up agility,then,agility down…live down,live up,is quite weird…it must be the random function.

Hmm ir does look we are not getting fixes on testlive again…
@CodeMage , i have not seen more responses from funcom,or did i miss something ? I know you asked tonunderstand their plans with testlive.
But hace not seen responses.

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First, don’t expect replies from Funcom over the weekend. People who work for Funcom have their own lives, too. Some people here forget that the weekend is supposed to be two days off :wink:

As for my questions, I have to say they’ve been communicating a lot more than before, so that’s a plus. I don’t really expect them to reply to my question about getting fixes before the release, but it’s a good thing to ask. :man_shrugging: