PurgeConfigTable errors (for update 03.09.2019)

Game mode: any
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: any vanilla


Someone should really go over the PurgeConfigTable (again) :slight_smile:


while updating my mod to the latest version i ran my small selfwritten tests again on PurgeConfigTable.uasset

This does not cover some deeper tests like checking if the SpawnData defined exists and is possible to spawn.

Results (comments from myself):

Following are most likely errors:

MadAlchemists_Wave1 to MadAlchemists_Wave6 has DifficultyThreshold 1 defined two times - The second one should be 6

Yeti_Wave2 with difficulty 4 defined but never used as a NextWave - Should be defined in Yeti_Wave1 DifficultyThreshold 4

BlackHandPir_Purge_Wave7 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave - Will make the purge with this difficulty setting stop at wave 6 while it should stop at wave 7
BlackHandPir_Purge_Wave7 with difficulty 4 defined but never used as a NextWave - Will make the purge with this difficulty setting stop at wave 6 while it should stop at wave 9
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave5 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave - Will make the purge with this difficulty setting stop at wave 4 while it should stop at wave 5
UndeadDesert_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 4 defined but never used as a NextWave - this is due to UndeadDesert_Purge_Wave5 with difficulty 4 has UndeadDesert_Purge_Wave5 defined as next wave (instead of UndeadDesert_Purge_Wave6) - luckily the purges have a max time limit :slight_smile:

FrostGiants_Purge_Wave1 with DifficultyThreshold 2 has no OnBaseSpawnData while other DifficultyThresholds have them - nothing will spawn most likely
FrostGiants_Purge_Wave2 with DifficultyThreshold 2 has no OnBaseSpawnData while other DifficultyThresholds have them - nothing will spawn most likely
FrostGiants_Purge_Wave5 with DifficultyThreshold 6 has no OnBaseSpawnData while other DifficultyThresholds have them - nothing will spawn most likely

Yeti_Wave1 with DifficultyThreshold 2 has no OffBaseSpawnData while other DifficultyThresholds have them - nothing will spawn most likely
Yeti_Wave1 with DifficultyThreshold 4 has no OffBaseSpawnData while other DifficultyThresholds have them - nothing will spawn most likely

Votaries_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 3 has WaveTime 0 - nothing might spawn / wave might end immediately

Following might not be errors at all:

FrostGiants_Purge_Waves have Wildlife_Children_of_Jhil as OnBaseSpawnData defined - this might be intentional
A lot of purge waves have ActiveCap > SpawnCap - this might be intentional


Hey @Okumba

We’ll send this to our team so they can look into it.
Thanks for the feedback.

Hi @Ignasi,

thanks for forwarding the report again :slight_smile:
Almost all of my previous reported issues with PurgeConfigTable were fixed with this update (PurgeConfigTable errors)

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