I log in a minimum of every 5 days and even managed this through August from Portugal by remoting into my PS4 in the UK from my laptop,
On 14th Octover I logged in to start using the new Derketo content, but found that all my base and equipment had decayed - apparently, accouding to the logs on 11th October.
As I understand it, building dacay timers max at 336 hours, which is 14 days - I most certainly HAVE logged in in teh 14 days prior to this.
I can only assume that there has been some form of glitch? Eralier that day I was unable to login and the progress bar did not move for about 30 minutes (after which I exited)
Is there anything you can do? PLEASE?? I have several hundreds of hours invested in this!
Darth_Badger6 Player name Yanha
Also, when you examine a dead body, the description is in German!
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.Logged in
@Darth_Badger6 sorry to report the decay was set back to a week on official server the way I understand it. U should be able to find some information in threads. I feel for you. It was a end of summer thing.
Sorry to hear about your loss. The decay timer was reverted to 168 hours on September 6th with a hotfix. The standard decay timer is 168 hours the vacation timer is 336 hours.
There are a few ways to stay on top of decay timer changes.
Make a repair hammer and check the decay timer regularly.