Radial menu for the controller on PC has a lot of extra slots, making it unuseful

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvP
Map: Custom (please specify)
Server Name: The Exiled RP-PVP
Mods: ModControlPanel Barbarian Barber JAS: Juvilia & Agony’s Salon Face It People Of Hyboria Cookie’s Immersive Armor Reupload Juvilia’s Crabby Fashion Ryan’s Regal Armory Exiled Armoury Aphrodite Water Beyond Decor: Rustic Edition Caelum Decorations Shadows of Skelos Shani’s Stuff Sand and Stone Northern Timber Arena Pier Desert Town Highmane’s Arsenal LBPR - Additional Features Devious Desires Less Building Restrictions Exiled Aesthetics PvE Siege Disabler (by Xevyr) Tot ! Sudo Tot ! Roleplay Redux TERP: Dice System Tot ! Immersive HUD Tot ! Admin Tot ! Chat Tot ! Custom TERPO-Reborn Desolate Lands

Bug Description:
When I attempt to open the controller radial menu with my controller (Xbox Series S) hooked up to my computer, the radial menu appears to be expanded with a lot of additional slots. This makes it difficult with using the radial menu when playing with a controller on PC.

Bug Reproduction:
None. This issue seemed to have occur only after the Age of Heroes update.

Greetings Inquisitor-Levi!
Thank you for reaching out to us.

Situations like your may be related with the mods you have installed.
Therefore, we suggest that you manually uninstall all the mods you have and then go to your game in Steam → Right click → Properties → Installed Files → Verify Integrity.

Let us know if this helps solving your issue :slight_smile:

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