Raid e17 - 1 try

Boogied Group


Congratulations, Manga!!

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Happy to see even more groups now beating the E17 raid consistently. Great job !


Thanks, \o good team sticking it out while trying to distance(pun intended).


We are getting consistent Im glad to see. We are laid back and not “min-max” geared by any means so I expect more groups will follow.We started out training on saturday and sunday because slightly different people could only join one of those days so now we beat it both saturday and sunday. We are by no means perfect and need a lot of training still but its fun. Off course I give most of if not close to all credit to bOOgied for 99% of organizing it all every week. We still do a lot of E10 and try to give lots of people their first clear for achieves and stuff. Love the community

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C’est exact @rifla…

Boogied est une belle personne qui donne la chance à des gens qui n’ont pas de groupe, d’avoir un groupe fixe… Nous nous sommes entrainés très durs, chaque week-end, optimiser notre équipement, tester d’autres armes etc… Tout cela demande du temps, beaucoup de temps…

Faut pas oublier non plus, et je les remercie fortement les personnes qui sont venues nous aider, qui ont pris certains d’entre nous dans leur équipe… pour tomber ce fameux raid e17… (Merci JimmyTheRabbit, Steppaz, Pruit, Tomeee etc…)

Aujourd’hui, nous avons acquis de l’expérience et de la confiance. Nous arrivons à le tomber le week-end… Youpi!!!

Sur SWL, il y a des gens vraiment super, extraordinaire et très altruiste comme Boogied, Rifla, Fellnike, MeowSeeTongue, Ceilidaer, Ambitious, Teg, Teil, inhead…

Je vous aime…

That’s right @rifla …
Boogied is a beautiful person who gives the chance to people who don’t have a group, to have a fixed group … We trained very hard, every weekend, to optimize our equipment, to test other weapons. etc … All this takes time, a lot of time …

Do not forget either, and I thank them very much the people who came to help us, who took some of us in their team … to fall this famous e17 raid … (Thank you JimmyTheRabbit, Steppaz, Pruit, Tomeee etc …)

Today we have gained experience and confidence. We manage to drop it on weekends … Youpi !!!

On SWL, there are some really great, extraordinary and very selfless people like Boogied, Rifla, Fellnike, MeowSeeTongue, Ceilidaer, Ambitious, Teg, Teil, Inhead …

I like You…


We are Champion (1 try, tank : Boogied and Tomeee)


1 try - Tank : Inhead et Liedhart