Raining inside House

It’s hilarous seeing how old bugs are returning to our servers. Weather effects inside buildings was a bug fixed months ago. Besides, as SirCharles says, on most servers we doesn’t have any kind of weather. We have returned to ancient days of early acces. I’ve never seen such caothic developement and bug fixing (and I’m a former AoC player). It’s pity because i truly love that game.

I raised a ticket yesterday in suggestions. Seems more appropriate to put it there.


oh well in that case I don’t mind it rains inside the homes in xbox, no weather would be worse and I love rain and snow.

I am pretty sure that in ancient Egypt rain inside buildings was not an issue :slight_smile: but in the same times, in northern areas, i guess that was difficult to find a home with a roof perfectly sealed.
Also during the Roman Empire in Britannia was not easy to keep houses dry.

this isnt real life -.- can you and other people stop trying to relate the two, 1 we built the house ourself we can see no leak, no windows so yes water could come in that way, but if you are inside and see no rain or snow falling but see the floor and carpet is wet and you can see droplets hit your clothes, then its something that needs to be addressed soon as by dev’s because they havent fixed it fully, its a botch job.

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If it makes you feel any better it is constantly snowing inside of my mountain base. I can actually see the snowflakes falling inside. This is on an official pve-c server.

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