Since its my anniversary of the day i joined the community, i would like to ask if there will be any update to the Religion Altars , what i would like to see from the altars is, gear progression, Summoned Permanent guardians (in range of the Altar only), blessings that you can put on your self, and your Thrall human guards, A prayer book - blessings similar to how sorcery spells look in animation but not in function or aesthetics, you could rez your dead follower or friend, Pray for iron, gold, silver, to fall out of the sky on a location on the ground maybe it might be marked on the map too (people would see it happen) Pray for heat and cold resistance, food and water etc. There is just so much that it could offer from what you can do now.
We must not question the ways of the Gods. We offer sacrifice in the hope of receiving their favour. If your soul is true and your sacrifice pleasing. The Gods may reward you.
May Set be with you
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