Rubber banding back in place

Whenever I log in throughout the day/night it very often rubber bands me when I take 2-3 steps in any direction and just pulls me right back in place. Rolling does the same thing as well as getting stuck in a rolling animation. Punching the air gets me stuck in that animation as well as rubber banding me right back where I was standing when logged in. Its happened inside my base and outside in the wide open.

Same here, every time I log in requires a bracelet removal to get out of rubber banding. Reminds me of early access. Kind of nostalgic… But not in a good way.

Age of Heroes Bata Server

Does the word, “latency” or slow loading mean anything?

Greetings Jumo!
Thank you for reaching out to us.

If this issue is still persisting to this day, could you please tell us in which server is this occurring?

Additionally, is this happening in any other server and at all times or rarely?

We’ll be waiting for your reply!

This happens all the time on various servers and you people know that already because it’s been reported THOUSANDS of times. It’s something that has been happening for YEARS and you haven’t fixed it yet.

I am on official PvE-C server #1818 and it happens as often as daily with a few days where it may not.
I’ve been back for 2 weeks now from 4+ years away and this bug still exists since then.

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