September updates

Don’t you start!

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Did we get a set release date?

Gonna take some time to do the quests we never had…


The wild hyenas cry out in the night…

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You hear the drums echoing tonight … it’s my pack of crocs eating a village I lured over. I have a drum or two set up outside and I whale on them while my gang chows down. My hope is we might receive more percussion and/or instruments.


Any news when the TestLive server will come? You will run the patch/update on TestLive before it is out or not?

And can you fix the blackblood tools then? So adding a butcher knife and the skinning knife should harvest the same as obsidian, as it IS obsidian with black blood crust… (and not the same like star metal).

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No. Early september. They plan to show some of it off in one of the next livestreams when they can have Alex (who’s now lead designer iirc) join them.

When is the next livestream supposed to be?

Every Thursday there’s an Oslo livestream (usually at 5PM CEST). To stay up-to-date with everything Conan Exiles you can follow them on Twitter or join the discord.

I’ve played quite a few PvP-centerd games. The problem with most of the games I’ve played is that PvP attracts all the cheaters and hackers. I guess some people have such a fragile ego that they can’t stand being beaten in an honest contest. Either that or they just have to pretend to be the biggest and baddest ever. Look at all the fixes that Funcom has made in an attempt to nullify cheating. And they still haven’t successfully eliminated all of it. The only PvP game I’ve ever played that had no cheating was Age of Wushu, but that was so much pay-to-win that you didn’t need to cheat … all you needed was lots of money.

soooo your saying Conan didn’t take the time to dye all his thrall kits the same color?

In competition everyone looks for an advantage. I don’t advocate cheating. Just saying I believe pvp and pve players have different perspectives on whats considered cheating. Someone who figured out a way to have competitive advantage and whoops someone who doesn’t will create beaten player who complains about the pvp or cheats. I learned a lot by accepting the bad beats and wipes as it has made the people I play with and myself better. As for honest contest??? When there are hours spent on gathering and building and someone or clan threatens that even if only from paranoia you act first or get dealt with lol PVE doesn’t have to worry about that and theres nothing wrong with that but just pointing out the different perspectives on play modes.

LMfAO frkn hilarious dude

Sure, since the previous contest had a distinct PvE flavor, but… how would you judge something like that?

The player who manages to post a screenshot of a completed building wins.


Jens mentioned something like having all the pvp designers trying to raid it.


Oh, that sounds… very cool, but also very time consuming on their part. Still, if they feel that’s viable, who am I to naysay it!


…a horse? :horse:

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Unbearable how?

The same as the PvE Contest but you can only use mats stolen while utilising a full encumbrance build and stamina glitch.

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