Siege on Al Merayah question

Oh really :upside_down_face:? I couldn’t tell :rofl:.

I know exactly what you mean. I have played and i didn’t raid or steal, never. But when my pvp teammates didn’t knew how to raid effectively, i was going to the particular build to find weaknesses and suggest them how to hit.
So yes, you don’t need pvp experience to raid this fortress we agree 100%, :wink:.

You will love it. Steam roll the whole thing. I suspect it was designed to be played in group.
Meanwhile, while you are alone, do as I did in the video above if you want to farm the gold. Not exciting, but it works. :smile:
Place a bedroll just in case, but if you do exactly as I did, you don’t even need to take armor. Zero risk. Any bow with noxious gas arrows will do. Of course you can get creative and if you want to loot the whole place, having a small outpost near the weeping ruins helps if you want to change build after clearing the place. Just don’t take too long and nothing will respawn. Or just put a camel on stop. But once the mtf teleported inside because I was too far from it, so I would advise only getting the bastard once you clear the place. Anyway, you have options. This is an easy job.

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It’s already been mentioned, but this one may offer a slightly skewed take on it.

Al Merayah is what happens when one uses PvE principles (or really just historically decent fortification principles) for building a PvP base.

Due to the mechanics and realities of this game, it is an exceptionally easy raid.
Unless one decides to ice skate up hill.
The constant respawning of enemies, ect, make it clear that charging in is the solution that the devs decided to punish.
Meanwhile, if you take time to learn how explosives work, how the new ram works, and how to circumvent anti-climb, you are rewarded with thousands of gold coins, a legendary katana, a scroll for a recipe you probably already have, and likely some other decentish loot (the general dropped a Scorpion Chestguard once, and often higher end potions, but mostly ichor, demonfire powder, and hardened leather, there’s plenty of hardened steel of you’re into that sort of thing). All for the cost of a couple of minutes, and maybe a dozen arrows depending upon the quality of your bow and arrows.
It’s a very efficient run, much the opposite of the Purge that rarely has rewards commiserate with the time and resources to repair after.

While this one would not say it is good training for PvP, it may teach a few basic principles that are useful for offlining someone who doesn’t know how to build for PvP.

On an aside, this one isn’t complaining about the build of the fortress. Quite the contrary. It is extremely well done. Multiple layers of asymmetrical curtain walls that join correctly is no mean feat in this game. It looks like a fortress. The rooms are extremely sparse, but if they weren’t, the lag and render rate would be so much worse. In this regard, this one feels they were ambitious but did what they could while still being cognizant of how it would impact performance.

But it highlights many realities of base raids in this game. This one will share three, but there are many others.

  1. Explosives are dominant
  2. Historically accurate builds are indefensible
  3. There is no diagonal anti-climb

Conan was many things across the stories he appears in.
For this particular aspect of the game, remember he was a Thief who didn’t balk at taking the easy way in and then taking what he wanted.
In that regard, they hit the nail on the head. The most overwrought tools of civilization are the less efficient way of dealing with this situation.


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