Since some people claim horses are so bad.. here is a boss fight video I made

Yeah, but its hard to prioritize one (archer) over the other (melee).

Firespark has a video series where he clears mostly the game with lvl10 and thralls… Many things are possible in the game. With double-jump you can even “cheese” enough dungeon content without a thrall (and a crap load of arrows).

But can you please try again with optimized gear… I dont need a video proof, but would be interested in the time then :slight_smile:

I absolutely loved your video demonstrating how boss fighting can be possible without an OP thrall doing most of the work for you, and even with mid tier gear :sunglasses:
I agree with others that you should upload your video to youtube, it just is a better platform to share videos from :slight_smile:
Off course it will require some practice and choosing the right saddle for better maneuverability, actually I saw a guy doing something similar a few days ago on 1041, he fought the croc boss at lake by noob river from horseback, I stood and watched his fight with a smile on my face… Again kudos for showing a fun and good way to fight while riding a horse :star_struck:

You are right that it might never be as effective or fast as using a top notch fighter thrall, but he didn’t use any special gear, and besides it isn’t always about doing everything as fast and effective as possible, a lot of people like to get a feel of fighting + having fun while doing it - In my opinion there is too much focus on “Fast, Best & Effectivity”, sometimes we just need to relax and play with what works and offering us a good time :slight_smile:

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I know, there are many ways to play the game. Like you said, people can double jump and safely shoot bosses, have thralls to tank them or use a horse for maneuverability. I personally have never been a thrall fan, never used them to kill bosses but then again I have never been focused in end game content, building is my passion in this game.

When horses came out they offered me a different gameplay, they are nowhere as powerful as geared thralls, but horses added a lot fun and gave people more options to play. I made a new video with gear, it took me 6 minute to kill another boss, but I dont have a melee focused build and I was not focused in damage optimization, took my time to enjoy the fight and show what can be done.


As I wrote, everyone has different tastes and plays the game different. If you guys are happy about horse fights, I for sure dont want to talk it down.

And FC is also happy, that they added sth which makes players happy :slight_smile:

They are not overpowered, not all bosses can be fought like that. Humanoid bosses are a lot harder because they hit faster. But if you wanna play a archer in a horse then you will have a HUGE advantage over content, but its still underpower compared to a high lvl thrall follower in heavy armor and two handed.

Now wheres that video hosted… wall mart? no wait wall mart is great!

Yeah, okay, challenge accepted :wink:

Here’s what I did:

  • respecced into 20 vitality, 10 grit, 21 encumbrance and 20 survival
  • crafted a two-handed stone sword
  • crafted stone daggers
  • crafted and wore coarse tunic, handwraps, leggings and footwraps
  • picked up additional 100 stone
  • drank up and ate up
  • cleared out small spiders

And then I fought the giant spider with just that gear and those attributes. The daggers were for the giant spider and the two-handed sword for any small spiders that would respawn.

It took me 14:41. I didn’t drink or eat during that time and the only regen I had was the tiny trickle of health the game gave me by default.

Why did I do that? Because I don’t like hyperbole :wink:

Look, I get your enthusiasm for mounted combat. I really do. I used it quite extensively for several days when mounts came out. And then the novelty wore off.

No, you don’t need endgame gear to beat most of the bosses. You don’t need a badass melee build. You need a bit of skill and a lot of patience.

If you don’t have the patience, you can get better attributes and better gear – that’s literally what they’re there for :smiley:

I haven’t seen anyone asking for the horses to be removed. I have seen people calling them useless, which I think is somewhat exaggerated and a bit unfair, but it’s not that far from truth, either.

When it comes to PVE activities, horses are either useless or of extremely limited use. Multiple people in various threads have gone to great lengths to explain that point of view, so I won’t rehash that here.

Mounted combat seems to be the most attractive aspect of mounts right now. Personally, I find its lack of variety boring, but we all have different opinions.

I’m glad your opinion is that horses are awesome, but I can’t agree with you that people are criticizing horses because they “have no idea how fun mounted combat can be” and that we just need to git gud :wink:


I have actually seen people say here they should be removed. Usually its not in the most engaging post so most people might fly right past it.


Yes, and people who asked them to be removed clearly never spent more than 5 minutes testing them.

@Asteria, were you ever able to get the videos re-uploaded? I’m very curious to see what such a fight looks like…

Here you go:

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