Small problems with items

I found couple problems with items in the game.
There is my list:
Zingaran Mercenary armor is a medium armor however it crafts with heavy padding.
Zingaran Mercenary Camp Captain’s Bed has low amount of health points compared to other beds. It has only 50 health points.
Aquilonian Divan, I tried to place this item and i was not able to do that. I am not sure why maybe its a temporaly anomaly.
Pyramid building set some parts need more resources than any other building set in the game. Every piece of the pyramid set cost 10 hardened brick, 4 shaped wood and 3 steel reinforcement while other sets for example: wall cost is 5 hardened brick, 2 shaped wood and 2 steel reinforcement OR celiling cost is 6 hardened brick, 3 shaped wood and 2 steel reinforcement.

And a notice for Dyer’s Bench slot number. I think it is low compared to the number of dyes.

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