Someone has turned off mining and damage to animals on official 1127

Online official

As the title suggests. Someone has turned off mining and damage to animals on 1127. It happened just 10 minutes ago. No other lag seems present for it to be lag. You can go in and out of your base, make stations work, furnaces etc smelt. You can order thralls and animals around just fine, you can damage other players. And you can even build and dismantle. But you cannot as of 10 minutes ago, mine anything, chop down a tree, or kill an animal. No creatures humanoid or beast takes damage or will attack back.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Log into official pvp 1127
  2. Try to mine or kill an animal
  3. Watch in vain as your pick takes damage, but you receive nothing in return
  4. Cry

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