Why? Just why? A single piece of paper that takes up an entire inventory slot by itself. You made the skeleton keys stack… what gives?
Agreed this should be changed. If failed pages stack, why the normal ones don’t?
Also that 25 max stack size of putrid meat is annoying.
This is good my fellow exile, why the complain here?
Now the chests are in dungeons and people will visit with multiple keys in their inventory.
So it’s only good to stack skeleton keys.
Now about the spell pages, why do you need them after you finish sorcery, for black blood?
Jhil bosses are extremely easy now and with one hit you’ll get as much as 20 spell pages will give you in the dismantling bench. Spell pages are useless!
Fix the stack of yellow lotus, it’s more important because people use a lot of Cleansing brew now.
Actually, it’s a good passive looting option for black blood. If you just need a few and you’re already killing enemies and farming for other stuff, why wouldn’t you just pick them up? The jhil are pretty out of the way for most people and serve little purpose for much else.
I highly disagree here, sorry!
Jhil caves, since the day they started was a must and still are.
I won’t tell you more because you already know. But spell pages cannot replace jhil caves in absolutely no way. Black blood for pve is the least you need from these caves.
Yeah, I’m aware of the tools. However, I don’t typically use them now since they can’t be repaired. I can’t be bothered to go there and farm them… especially when I have a few sets on back up already.
Act of violence! It find back a bit of it’s glory since it has the execution perk. But this time your thrall takes experience.
Unwelcome gift. The only shield in this game you can use as throw weapons.
Hollowbone bow. Magnificent legendary bow.
All the above drop from 2 bosses mainly! Each one shares 33% drop rate.
Specialist ammunition IV recipe
2 skeleton keys
Hollowbone arrows
The best feather gathering spot in all the game, both exile lands and Siptah.
(you’ll tell me know, what should i do with feathers? My friend Archers are back, you’ll see )
Demon blood!
Very good xp farming for thralls.
I don’t use any of those. What’s good about Act of Violence when Yog’s Touch is way better, especially with all that armor pen? Who wants to throw their shield? What’s so great about a bow if I’m a strength build? There’s strength bows that benefit me more. Do you really use those arrows? I’m all about healing or explosive. I have more demon blood than I know what to do with… Idk… nothing really that important to me.
Lower rng!
Executioner perk! It means that your last blow will be equal to 10% of maximum hp of the opponent. It maybe useless to npcs and minions but in boss fights giving this blow is necessity! Make Thag your b…c .
Just saying, the best axe right now on dmg is Glimmer moon, not Yog’s touch.
Me . You tosh your shield to do dmg and when you kill the foe you loot it back!
You don’t farm bows for you but your archers. It’s a cheap easy to farm legendary bow!
But you know what John suit your self m8, have fun, play as you wish, cheers
I’m just saying, that location isn’t the be-all-end-all for most players when you got tons of stuff already. I suppose if you’re starting out, sure, it’s worthwhile, but it’s not some place most will repeat for stuff as there’s better ways to get many items, particularly better items. You’re justifications are valid and all, but it almost feels like you’re justifying it a bit too much when you know there’s better items you’re bound to get, just from farming easier to reach areas.
Most people go up there solely for the tools. If that’s the case, great… get a few other items. However I’d rather have one universal axe like Yog’s Touch over carrying an axe for specific purposes… especially if I use a thrall with momentum or ghoulish club to do some of my dirty work. Maybe it’s better for solo players that don’t use thralls. There’s a purpose for many of the items, just most don’t use them.
I’m not complaining about the stacking of the keys. That IS a good thing. The op is about the spell pages not stacking, in comparison as to why they would make keys stack and not spell pages. I don’t necessarily need them, unless I started another new character on another server. Which I might. Which means maybe I don’t want my inventory loaded with them. Or maybe I wish to sell them to noobs on my server. Whatever the case personally I don’t understand why you would argue for the pages not stacking unless you’re just looking to start a baseless argument over the internet. There is NO reason why they shouldn’t stack.
Understand what you wish, already said, cheers .
Twilight zone .
Np m8, ask whatever you wish!
Precisely! It is yet another perplexing one, that of the Yellow Lotus Blossom, stacks at 20 when all other lotus variations stack at 1,000. It is frustrating and uneccessary.
Yes they fixed a lot of the stacks I am happy for but they forgot about hardened steel & star metal. Id love to cut down on chests. The statues on Siptah stacking would be a game changer too
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