(2023+) STRANGE UI + AOC UI Installer + others ui & 4k

I did use the installer

Can anyone tell me how to fix this black bar across the top of my ability icons? It only happens with the left hotbar tray.

“h t t p s://ibb.co/YyjTdzL”

Remove the spaces is https overly restrictive chatbot wouldn’t let me past an image or enter a URL.

can i have your bottombar.xml ?

Grrrr… New users cannot upload.


h t t p s://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cDKLo_sspZYVTUdHITHW7D_2_uhdf_Np?usp=sharing

Very Respectfully,

guyz, ladies, got new PC… reinstalling, but…

after patch it seems the customs UI not working anymore…

ORIGINAL UI is cool though, but i miss my 3-actions bars…

customs UI still work for you ?

(dunno if my UI cloud storage is still usefull…)

THX for replies.

NVM, works perfectly again !!!

i recommend u put your game in 1080p,

then ALWAYS USE “StrangeUI 2019 LATEST” UI !!!

even with a RTX3080 or what… (AA panel texts are not well visible in 2K or 4K… apart if u’re TOP AA MAXIMUM and u don’t care texts at all and just gaming…)

EDIT: added simple “_Easy Best UI - RECOMMENDED” folder. BEST EASY ONE CUSTOMIZABLE !!

that’s not the latest :stuck_out_tongue:
I don’t remember what the last fixes were, but the latest is this one : Strange UI (20190608).zip - Google Drive

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Can someone just give clear advice on exactly what to do to get this UI working? Like how to install if you have never used a custom UI before and have just downloaded the game. What steps exactly do we need to follow, plus what files do we need?

Some cloud drive with 6 different folders that are like:

Strange UI
Strange UI-latest
Strange UI-latest-final
Best UI-Recommended
UI-4K-Recommended-Try-it :smiley:

It’s all very confusing…

succes stats not appear … no tenacity and not ferocity on stats how can fix this? :confused:

sry it’s my private IRL cloud,

put a link, i update myself AOC FOLDER.

@Cappa gonna test it, THX i edit ASAP. as cloud.

PS: im not the creator of the UIs, just hosting okay ;p

sry all, i got computers pbs :slight_smile:

(desktop pc almost dead I7-13700K + RTX 3080 => no drives detected at format…

on laptop , AOC steam install wont let me install UI…

but retrieven an old good working AOC folder on laptop…


im f**ked,… CANT HELP ATM…

Pray Crom helps us.

In Game had a fast discussion about somes UI :slight_smile:

post link DOWN HERE of “Fire UI” and the other too,

and i will host em, ON MY CLOUD UNTIL I DIE !!!

@Cappa uploaded your latest STRANGE UI link on the cloud, THX SO MUCH :smiley:

i cannot test or recommend any UIs ATM as i got big pbs on my computers.


edit: just had a bit of time to upload it… “2023+ folder / STRANGE UI MAYBE GLITCHY”… SRY CANNOT VERIFY.

my pc windows decided to reboot… good news lol !!

tried others UI ?

Stonerune was the best awesome in 2009-201X… then Strange UI changed the game, and still very used !!!

PS: AOC game text is not made for 4K, so it’s better to play the game in 900p or 1080p native.

4k is fine… if you are willing to put in some work to mess around with font size and such to make it all as big as you like. Have to dig a bit into the xml files and play with numbers.

I don’t think there is a good 4k UI available to download but you can get a less than stellar one and start from there.

I use the same, although it apprears that the text size and healthbar of the overhead text fronts are way off from what it used to be on characters, and npc’s ingame.

you know how to change that aswell? to make it more simular to what it originally is surposed to be?

i had changed text sizes… (the 4K-1440p link),

but it’s just text editing…

Like i said, AOC is built to run on 1080p… :-(((((

all texts, skill tree, advancementalt etc become GLITCHED on 4K :

it’s just ok to edit text if you’re 80-pvp10…

Funcom never edits their MMO :slight_smile:
ANARCHY ONLINE is same, it has stability issues since 20 years but game is good… so same for Conan’ :slight_smile:
They not gonna polish up, upgrading UI graphics to 4K…