Suddenly having issues with one specific server

Has anyone else faced this issue? I’ve been playing on one EU modded server for a few weeks now without any issues. I get the normal 180 ping, which works great for me considering my location. All my official servers also range between 170 to 200 ping and I have no lag whatsoever. All of a sudden one day, this particular EU modded server has gone haywire on me. Placeables take forever to load in. Sprinting and swinging weapons doesn’t seem to take any stamina at all. But jumping and rolling does. And this stamina doesn’t regenerate for a good 1+ minute. At times never regenrated for more than 10 minutes too. And I log back in with that same depleted stamina. This issue started 4 days back and it’s still the same. I’m still getting good ping of around 180, but I can’t play at all. I tried every other server and none of them have this issue. All EU and one also modded just like this with similar mods. How do I fix this? I am quite enjoying this server as it has my preferred mods and settings. But now it’s doing this crap to me :frowning: Hope someone has a solution.

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