Bill’s Summer Resort is a tropical getaway located on the shores of the eastern sea, it is owned and operated by Shoebills. Chef Bill has unlocked the culinary art of preparing fresh grubs.
On sunny days, patrons can be seen sunbathing on the beach or tossing about in the shallow water of the lagoon. The lighthouse guides wary sea fairing vessels on dark stormy nights.
Bill’s Grub Hut and Tavern is always bustling with activity. Bill has been itching to expand as often times it is standing room only.
The Bills’ brew their own brew.
A candid photo of Chef Bill
Visit Bills’ petting zoo while you are here.
The Security Office is used to keep track of the goings on around the resort
A security Bill checking up on the tavern
Bill likes to advertise.
One of the main attractions of Bills’ Resort is the dive tower. Bill has an ongoing challenge for free food and drink for anyone who can hit the bullseye from the top.