Surviving the cold north

I need help. Please some suggestion to survive north, I always die frozen…

Tier 2 cold armor sets.

Basic Khitan heavy gives you tier one.

You will need Impervious on your vitality tree

Si aún no alcanzas el nivel 60 tendrás que sobrevivir con comidas y bebidas que te hagan entrar en calor. En la bahía de los bucaneros hay una receta pirata interesante para elaborar comidas que sólo de pensarlo te abrasa la garganta. Create una nini casa cerca de la orilla y recoje de todas partes de la bahía la ( especies raras ) son comidas te sube al grado dos de temperatura para contrarrestar el frío. Teniendo comida suficiente y teniendo materiales de construcción, el fabricate las chimeneas para cuando construyas te mantendrán con temperatura estable

I have hyrcanian heavy armor and vitality bonus to weather, but when reaching the icy part I die frozen the same…

if u have the vitality 3 perk and the cold protection armour u can also boost those with soothing potions , or hot food and drinks… also ymirs feast adds heat rise so helps up on north… holding up a normal torch (NOT glowing stick or Breath) will also help and carrying around some oil and large firepit (yes that was one solution when i was at lower level helps using the aloe potions to heal and regain HP (yes large fire pits rise the temp a bit when burning… and this trick can also be used with fireplace if u place a fireplace down -anywhere and climb on it XD -and yeah i know i have tried several stupid things but they work XD) also never have a unique set of cold armour but a double waiting at a safe place so u can regather ur body when u die…
if u r level 60 do not forget to hunt the legendaries for the solspeil shield or the UC for legacy of nordheimers (personally prefer the 2nd cause lets u climb)…
And u can get Ymirs targe inside the warmaker dungeon that has also 3 cold insulation (works well when combined with any cold resistant armour)…


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