T4 npcs gone or not spawning

Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [Here]

***i have encountered a problem with t4 npcs not spawning in the black galleon the only t4 to spawn is fighters and archers after 2 weeks of 4 to 5 hours none will spawn to check this elsewhere I went to new asthgar good news was
Cooks. Priest. Taskmaster will spawn next I went to set city I got one blacksmith and carpenter. After I checked many places armorers will not spawn at all any where nor tanners in most cases set city will not have a t3 production thrall all are t2 and under the black hand galleon task master will only be t1 and I hit that place over 100 times but many t 4 in all places will not spawn no matter what I do about 2 months ago I had t 4 production thralls all the time but now there is nothing in all mist all cases did there spawn numbers chances get changed or is this a bug in which case the numbers are to harsh
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Steps on how to reproduce issue:

Hello @Gloatingtomb6, are you playing in Single Player or in an Official server?

Single player

There were no recent changes to the spawn rates of higher tier npcs, so chances are you’re being awfully unlucky with the odds. Still, we’ll note it down as feedback for the developers to consider.

What did I do to displease crom hmmmmmmm😭 Ty

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Trust me, black galleon is really bad
 Compared to others. And as you are not the only one who says that, probably there is a “bug” somewhere
 Or some behavior which results in this underwhelming spawn rates.

Yes Black Galleon used to be good now it’s a horrible place to farm T4’s don’t bother

Kind of hard when they have certain cultural armors at there disposal and three of them are only found there so I will keep trying

RNG. Black Galleon spawn rates haven’t changed in over a year.

I beleve u and beileve im having bad luck it happens it just never done this at least for a long periods of time but ill keep trying after all they have to spawn at some point cause they cant hide forever😈

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