T6 gear vs T3 PvP gear in PvP

Its not fun for the sins either when your counterweight fatality them from 90% by doing 1,4k per hit on them :roll_eyes:

but t6 gear < pvp gear,why people still whinning? what`s wrong with u

And guard doesnā€™t need T6 to do it, ha ha.

I do not know what has happened, but I do not have:

  1. the arena necklace;
  2. Chaos or RF rings or gems;
  3. T5 or T6 gear; or
  4. any runes (the worst is the Exiles preorder rune).

Now, when I enter minigames with my Herald of Xotli, compared to 2013, I feel that my hits deal 20% or 30% of my previous damage. My PVP T3 Armor feels EXACTLY like culture gear on PVP 0 character in 2013 against PVP10 characters in PVP T3 armor. I have turned into a glass vanity item.

From good results like 22 kills and 3 deaths I rolled down to 3 kills 16 deaths.

However, on my PVP3 Guardian, I feel that little has changed, even though I have nothing from the list above. This is a weird experience.

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I see there are 3 people who voted that the pve gear should be better for pvp than the pvp gear. Anyone of them who could justify this with some arguments ?

Developers usually do not post here, Deukalion.

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They farmed their sets and now dont want to lose the benefits of having t6 set in pvp.

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Probably the same trolls who sabotage minis

its the same people that get a massive chub from completely one shoting the few random new people this game is lucky enough to still get. Thankfully it makes those people quit fast thus hastening the demise of the game. sarcasm

You are probably right lunaticasylumla , my question however was to the people who voted to keep the t6 more powerful than t3 pvp in pvp. Iā€™d like to understand the logic behind it.

If there is none, it would be nice if funcom would action on this. So I hope you are wrong, and funcom is reading the forums.

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In all seriousness its the same attitude you find in ANY mmo or in fact ANY online game. There exists a group of people whos sole enjoyment in a game comes from dominating other players. Since the t6 gear is not accessible to the entire populattion and makes it possible to one shot lowbie, undergeared, and/or unexperienced pvpers of course those select few will want it to stay in game the way it is. Iā€™m sure its the same people that would absolutely lose their minds if gear got tagged for PVE and PVP wherein PVE tagged gear gave like -6k to all stats in pvp. Can you imagine? i think it would be pretty hilarious

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how to you ā€œkeepā€ its more powerfull if its not. lol

Funcom should never have added PvP gear in the first place. It killed the game. It took a few years, but it definitely destroyed AoC because it split the player base and there really is no PvP content. You would have to be deranged to play those mini-games for as long as is needed to get level 10 PvP gear.

The closest thing AoC ever had to a PvP dungeon was the Underhalls and they pulled that to make AoC noob-friendly. As I recall we got PvP gear because WoW had it, but AoC was never designed to support PvP gear and never had any content added. Miniā€™s are not content, Bori is not PvP.

And then to top it off they destroy the Class balance by removing Stamina as your Running energy!!!??? Thus allowing players to go hopping like rabid bunnies while still casting combos, ruining any semblance of realistic combat in the process. Ruining PvP completely. The final nail in the PvP coffin and the PvP servers all died. Sure they needed a fix for ā€˜Age of Castersā€™, but the Energy Bar was not a fix, it was anathema.

No I think PvE armor should be the best because there is no PvP dungeon or content.

What exactly is a pvp dungeon? And how would that be pvp other than having pvp in the title?

PvP Dungeon???
You are trolling, right?

Korando, he means that Funcom disabled PVP in areas like Underhalls and White Sands recently. I think that was in 2013, and it might have pushed some new PVP players away.

Bladesaint, I have the same thoughts about the energy resource; but most PVP players claimed back then that it ā€œadded dynamics to the battleā€ and made ā€œmages more balanced with soldiersā€. The way I see it is that they just did not want to manage the resource and desired to bunny-hop all of the time.

You seems to not liking pvp, or not the nowaday pvp, and because of it you say that pvp gear shouldnā€™t exist.
Because there is no content in pvp we should farm pve to be able to pvp is what you are saying.
About content, i dont agree, i think there are plenty things to do in pvp, and if iā€™m pvping all the time, i think it would normal to have better gear than the guy doing pve (for pvping i mean).
Another solution would be deleting the pvp only stats, to be able to use pvp gear in pve as well. Instead of having +100combat rating and +100pvp combat rating in the same piece of gear, just add the both in only +200combat rating.
Same goes with protection, armor, magic damage ā€¦ Would be only fair i guess.
So either make the pve gear useless in pvp, OR make pvp gear usefull in pve


U do not achieve pvp balance by nerfing t6 gear, nothing will change even if they would remove t6 completly from pvp.
Mini game balance would still be a**, people would still buy item shop pots, people would still use exile runes, hox t5 runes, people would still play cheesy classes like barb and pom :crazy_face:

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Could you elaborate on this? Why do you think PvE gear should be best in PvP when there is (according to you) no PvP content? If you dont PvP, why should PvE gear be best in PvP?

There are many PvP 10 players, itā€™s very obtainable for the normal/less ā€œproā€ player. Especially compared to t6 gear.

Considering T6 as a whole is weaker than PvP gear, most people would agree T6 doesnā€™t need a buff.
Except for sin, which realistically PvP10 is still better than T6, for most other classes T6 isnā€™t even close to usable. There is a problem with bad distribution of stats over T6 (for example on hox most pieces are trash for pvp except the chest + helm, and even there the helm isnā€™t really worth using if you donā€™t have the chest already), which could be solved by moving the stats a bit over to other pieces.
Anybody using full T6 because they think itā€™s better has no clue how pvp in this game works. Most people (sins in this case :D) that use it, use it because they like seeing the 6k crits or because they arenā€™t pvp10 yet.