So I’m not sure if this is the right thing but i just need to get it off my chest and complain a bit. So on the PS4 servers for PvE I’ve met up with a clan that has been a hassle for most of the time. every time I’ve built anywhere I’ve seen a few hours to a day later a structure hugged up as close as possible to my build. Its been limiting my build space. I’ve even noticed that they have spread their building in a location so far out and connected them with foundations as a walk way that makes the entire base seem to claim all of one coordinate block. One of my clan members have seen a video where they are boasting about how they’ve gotten in 24 hours this base (the one i was mentioning before) built up in a PvP server that clearly shows its in a PvE server. Its quite infuriating about how they are ■■■■■■■■ people like this.
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