Teleport Stone change suggestion

You still dont get that pvpers FOUND the bug in the design, which they are now FIXing per THEIR words. You see engineer thinking is the design says it should work perfectly, but reality it didnt, so they now have to adjust it or redesign (ie remove the multi hit aspect) because it causes unwanted results too often. But us pvpers are brick walls, ans cant understand perfect design.

You are welcome. Us pvpers only goal is to make pve-ers life harder. Mission accomplished. Wait until the next pvp meeting, we have lots of nerfs on the agenda.

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Nobody’s saying that the “design should work perfectly”. @Xevyr is explaining that the multi-hit was done on purpose. You can call it conjecture, but here are the facts it’s based on:

  • it’s improbable to create the 3 additional entries by accident
  • it’s impossible to accidentally link all existing hits to use those “accidental” additional entries
  • the separate animation for the 4th dash was done on purpose
  • the only difference between the animations in question is a checkbox whose only purpose is to allow multiple hits

When you look at those facts, you can come to one of two possible conclusions. One is “even though it’s astronomically improbable, this was all a big accident”. The other is “this was designed to allow multiple hits”.

I can’t blame @Xevyr for drawing the latter conclusion.

It really does look like allowing multiple hits wasn’t a bug, but rather that it was done on purpose. There was no “bug in the design”, as you claim.

That doesn’t mean that there isn’t an “issue” with this, as they called it. The issue is most likely organizational. Maybe they were toying with this idea and then forgot to scrap it before shipping the update. Maybe it was the work of a dev who didn’t communicate properly with the rest of the team and just thought “it would be cool” to include this. I’ve actually seen both of these happen in game development.

And while I don’t think he should have called you a “brick wall conversationalist”, I can also empathize with the frustration that comes with digging up the necessary details, presenting them patiently, only to have the target audience not even make an effort to try to understand what’s being explained and instead dismiss it out of hand.


I think my biggest issue on the katana thing was the spin around it and what has gotten all of us in a tizzy. The katana has always been op for the few that could plan out it’s magic. The dev stream gave the impression that they just now discovered this multiple hit error on the special attack…it rings very dishonest or perhaps out of touch to suggest something that we all have known for years and years with clockwork precision of complaints ever 6 months over it that the devs just didn’t know…really? Because of that, I question their ignorance over the horse issue (which low and behold another multihit issue).

If they were just upfront and said, yeah we are going a different direction with katana and the special attack because the damage potential over shadows what we believe the true advantage of the special attack is…to attack through you opponent and be clear of the counter attack…be this. ‘Well I never noticed this before…’

People say the monetization will dirve people away or the ToS…it’s not those for me…it’s this attempt to spin that will drive me away. We are adults. If we can survive Firefly cancellation, then I think we can handle a course change every now and then.


That’s all I was trying to highlight, what @CodeMage and @erjoh said here.
I just don’t like the shady stuff around it, that’s all. I mean even I acknowledged above that it does quite a lot of damage and I think I have a pretty unique perspective on it since I just finished developing a DPS meter for Conan and I used the katana special quite often to test during the process.

But I mean… it’s been around for ages, in fact even I was posting various small video clips on it, using it to kill Rockslides and such

Yup! This! As I pointed out above I really think they just tried to do something creative with the existing things and while it wasn’t getting any heat it was fine, but now with all the complaints they figured they overshot the damage part so they’re backtracking. That’s all that happened imo.

(Still no need to nerf it into the ground imo… but w/e )

Yes @biggcane55 I apologize for that, I did say you’re free to make up your own mind, but to be honest I was expecting you to at least raise an eyebrow at that even if you’re not convinced. That’s all.

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So, now they busted the katana because of pvp. Great.


(This is how you start a fight. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

Yep. pvp took anothrr easy button from pve. Get good.

See, there’s the underlying toxic mentality I knew was there.

It’s not a matter of being good or bad, it’s a matter of watering down content, removing unique features and removing fun from the game. All in the name of a game mode that I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone publicly praise on these forums.

And here’s the thing, it’s very hard to time the katana charge on a moving target. So it’s actually you who probably needs to get good.

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Yep, toxic. The thread was about teleporters, and a pve player called out pvp players. But we are toxic. i just wanted to make sure the accusers were never called liers. so i played the toxic villian. And i llayed y’all so well :wink: Now i know who is biased on these forums against pvp.

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Teleporters are not horrible, just let the ToS handle spammed ones.

If i had my way, there would be no fast travel, it removes the traveling and enjoying the journey, which most of Conan Lore is centered around. Conan traveling and encountering friends and enemies along the way.

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I pointed out y’all being off topic, which you played a huge part in, and yet here we are again.

Also, I am very vocal in my feelings that catering to PvP is detrimental to the quality and scope of this game. Conan could be an even more amazing experience than it is. But they’re too busy with a bunch of kids trying to knock each other’s Lego buildings over.

You understood I was joking, right?
The katana was too powerful for pvp, but probably by design.
Pve folks would likely prefer to keep it as it was. The effect was rather cool and I loved it. However, I can understand that it needed a small adjustment for pvp. It doesn’t bother me that much.

This. I remember about 1-2 years ago, there was this idea that the dev team didn’t like obelisk and teleporting around the map now that horses were introduced. It was necessary when you were on foot but with horses helping your travel, the teleportation aspects were no longer needed or wanted.

Imagine my surprise when sorcery comes in and a new type of teleportation is here so either everyone was wrong back then or a change of mind happened.

Yea, same! That’s literally my issue with this… it had some really cool effect especially if you have a damage meter active and you see the individual hits :stuck_out_tongue:
I would’ve been totally fine if they reduce the damage, even if it’s something like a straight up 50% reduction, but kept the uniqueness of it.

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Oh yea! Console player :joy: Sorry!

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I would get so addicted to that mod…

I would love to respond to all the off topics, but i will stay on topic, @erjoh you are on the nose, the game design is constantly changing, and fast travel is one of the major mechanics that shows the lack of long term design that i believe hurts Conan. Teleporters are solely a fast forward button to allow faster farming. But getting resources faster contribites to the urge to over build, and thus cause some of the issues with ToS. You get all the resources so fast, you either just hoard in chests or build more. Counter intuitive game design.

This method is very useful, and it doesn’t deserve to be broken. I don’t see why fast-travel while overencumbered is on the chopping block. Hint: i’m not a enc-build.

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