Why is it when I craft the Vanir Chieftan epic armour with a t4 thrall my temp resis is 1 bar for each … constantly freezing lmao
The armor temperature seems to have been all but scrapped. It’s all about cramming spicy food in your face now.
Ahh cause some armours help but that armour set I freeze….I guess they just stopped looking at it? Cause some do work well for the cold
If an item has 1-4 resist it will show as one bar, and 5-9 as two, 10-14 as three, and so forth. Vanir Chieftain has three resist for both, so it will always show 1 bar.
There does need to be some UI changes to make this more clear.
Ok now I follow albeit it seems odd that Vanir doesn’t have better cold resistance. Shrug
It has pretty decent for both. Most items are 2 and 1. This set is 3 and 3 per piece. So with low tier resist buffs from food, you can go anywhere. Other items would require the mid or highest tier foods.
The wiki shows everything you need to know on the subject.
Like I said, the UI needs a betting indication of these stats. That way we don’t need a wiki.
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