Testlive Patch (11.09.2020) - The Isle of Siptah balance and bug fixing update

Horses should be countered by archer, but Funcom didnt want bow too strong, so horse has no real counter.

Also bark gathering needs balance, with stone pick you cant gather, with iron only a little better.

And i told you how to counter Horses so all of your points are not big issues when you have easy counters.

I only use picks on dead trees and that usually gives me more than enough bark.

That is not counters that actually are good enough.

How will a palisade kill the player+the horse?

How will a spear even knock off the player from the horse?

How will me climbing up a mountain shooting arrows kill the player?

Like c’mon, I dont know what kinda players you facing. But all players that I play against are not stupid like that.

If they controlling their horse stamina none of this “counters” will work. And also, let’s say you manage knocking the player off the horse while you are up on a mountain. Before you even half way that mountain to fight the player on ground, he will be on his horse again, and you will be dead.

Only viable option is to use horse by myself. But since I ( and more) dont see any fun using it, because no skill recuired kinda. There should be better ways to counter a horse. And also, still horses should not be as OP they are now. Like it or not. Must be fun for some of you that you actually ending up getting some kills.

But anyway

Wake up.

So I was pretty pleased to see the “invisible armpit” glitch has been fixed o the medium Argossean armor, does this mean the detaching collar section on the medium Khitan armor has been fixed as well? I can’t check myself because like half the DLCs aren’t showing as purchased on my TestLive client for some reason.

I may not be a Testliver, but I wish to raise this issue for Funcom. I have seen number of people in various threads across the forum, including myself, are becoming unsettled by the prospect of this change. And I would like to restate a number of points I made in a seperate thread with another user. I am very sorry to be negative here. I am NOT trolling or hating, only trying to raise what I percieve to be very genuine concerns.

“The main sources of healing appear to be potions and bandages.”

I honestly dont mind the idea of consumption animations in theory. However, I am now beginning to hold grave concerns that these changes will create the same issues for Singleplayers and online Solo players that the Momentum system before it did. That being that for Singleplayer mode to remain viable, it is absolutely vital for us to be able to quickly break away from combat and quickly consume a healing item or two before returning to the fray. But ok, lets now examine this issue in greater detail shall we.

“Drinking the potion slows the pace of your walk whilst you drink.”

This didnt sound so bad…that is until I watched a video of it in action. So basically, drinking the potion reduces our movement to that of an ‘overencumbered’ walking speed, or the equivalent of an EXTREME cripple effect. But then this sounds even worse again:

“Bandaging is a total stop of movement…A small injury takes approx 3 sec, almost dead the animation is approx 10 sec.”

THIS ^^ seems to me to be even worse. Slowing movement down while healing, sounds like a bad, idea as is. But this is something else entirely! I am firmly opposed to the complete loss of movement Bandages impose.

So…if a Singleplayer or online Solo player is facing a fast moving Boss or World Boss (eg- the White Tiger), or a large mob of humanoid enemies (eg- the Wights summoned by Thag in the Wine Cellar dungeon), or they need to remove a stack of Bleeds? How are we supposed to break away and heal without opponents raining free blows upon us…??

“…when you eat, whether is bugs or a haunch, you get a “sated” buff that is some passive healing. It feels like eating shredded roast on live.”

So why on earth would we even bother harvesting and crafting high tier food such as Roast Haunch and Hearty Stew if they are all so ridiculously weak…!? About the equivalent of shredded roast from what I am led to believe. This would have other further reaching repercussions too. It would also render cooking as a form of crafting, especially the Stove recipes, pointless and uttetly redundant. Not to mention devaluing Cook thralls. Moreover, it will devalue our rewards for killing a whole array of enemies ranging from the Abyssmal Remnant and certain World Bosses right down to certain Dragons. It reduces the incentive to find and battle them, and trivialises the rewards they yield.

Unless I am overanalysing the situation, these changes sounds ominous to me. This sounds like a straight up nerf to healing, and a blatantly uneccessary change. There are virtually no threads on the forum saying healing is overpowered or totally game breaking. And from a Singleplayer and online Solo player, and newer player perspective, this has bad idea written all over it. It feels to me, right or wrong, like the whole debacle produced by the ‘Momentum’ movement system is destined to repeat itself here. The same wisdom holds true now as it did back then. As such, it is now time time to hark back to that same wisdom which I analysed the Momentum system with back then:


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I dont recall mentioning ‘Soothing’ in my post. And even if I did, I would hardly call that ‘healing is overpowered or totally game breaking’.

So far I am undecided on the new healing system. It certainly makes the Exiled Lands a more brutal place for the single player gamer. To me that’s a good thing. Isn’t it supposed to be brutal?

I like that the amount of savory flesh harvested from a Kudo has been nerfed. No longer can I refer to them as meat vending machines. It never made sense to me why they yielded so much more edible flesh than a Rhino or Elephant anyway.

I also like that the large scorpions now have the burrowing attack that the small ones have.

Further I am liking that the agro radius for NPC’s seems to have decreased some. The smaller agro range makes it a bit more difficult to farm the 4 cimmerians I farm for epic armor.

I do not like how the temperature system seems to be a bit broken regarding overheating or freezing.

I also do not like that NPC’s are still too exploitable for knocking out.

I like that the incoming sandstorm now appears to be characterized by an increase in darkness and dust. No more black fly by thingies.

Further, I like that the Cimmerian priest has been tweaked. The priest is still pretty much stuck in the wall but at least will attack now. And after getting hit and moved back enough eventually is free from the wall. This doesn’t change the fact that the priest is still stuck behind a wall and can still be easily exploited/killed there.

Finally, I like that the chests in the Unnamed City have gotten a nerf to the legendary repair kits that drop. It seems that when a kit does drop it’s predominantly an armor repair kit now too.

Those are my early random thoughts on the patch.

Thanks for all the hard work and effort. Keep it up!

Well written and it inspired me to add something that we were trying to get away from; this is going to make my thrall the hero, not me.

Without the ability to heal without stopping in my tracks, there’s no way I intend to let the boss agro me. My thrall can tank and my contribution will be slightly less than his damage. I will applaud him when finished.



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I like the idea that I have to stop while healing, but making the feast of derketo and a single fat grub equal just hurts my brain.

I love cooking in the game and getting well fed and healed as a result (heck I even had a character where EVERY single high tier food had its own improved preservation box…), but now it’s just… gone (I guess?).

So, we cannot try it new DLC for free on TL?

If you mean the map, no you cannot.

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Again, i’ve already explained. If you’re unable to kill somebody riding on a horse, or successfully deter them, then that’s your fault not the game’s

I told you the scenarios. Trust me, I know how to play this game in a PVP point of view. But please tell me, except by going up on a horse myself how will these counters make me able to kill the player on the horse?

yup interested to hear from gatttsu too, shield can block horse attack, but u need to have one, otherwise dead meat. you can climb on somehting, if there is something on what to climb near you. you can stop bleeding if u have wrap. but most of time u dont have all that in your gear, and when on foot you encounter a horseman, you are dead.

because horse has unlimited grit when hitting, because horse give bleeding at every hit, because horse can have a damage multiplier of 150% up to 300%, reach 5000hp with good armor pen protection . so well if you encouter someone with a level 0 horse, yes you can probably kill him, but if you encounter someone with a level20 horse well trained, you are dead meat.

Just a few notes from recent play in test live.

The xx_mod_attribute_xx kits that drop do not currently have a function or description.

Also good job on adding the special attack to the 3 skull unnamed city Bat boss. I had always thought it was strange the 1 skull had this attack and the bigger, badder version didn’t.

Also, people are already complaining a lot about the reduction in food healing but… it’s somewhat inconsistent that thralls can still eat certain foods and regain health at the old rate. Don’t you think?

You mean the divebomb attack? I found it strange too.

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Yes. The divebomb attack.

A few more notes:

I had gotten so used to skeletons not dropping any loot that I forget to check them. It’s not much that’s dropped but it’s nice that they are dropping something again.

I don’t know if the Legendary weapon The Shank (daggers) are intended to work this way but… it’s ability to cripple an enemy is working strangely. The cripple will not stack more than once and when the last attack in a heavy combo applies cripple it starts another stack of 1. It’s been like this for quite some time. Since at least when the sunder they were erroneously giving was fixed.

Also, I found it interesting that the Dregs demon doesn’t come out of it’s acid pool where the player was last standing before it went under the acid. It seemed to be random.

Speaking of the Dregs Demon. Shouldn’t the voice change to a seductive/sexy male voice for a female character?

This is a bit tricky because your experience will vary a lot depending on which map you play. Let’s say Exiled Lands is easy mode while on Siptah is a lot harder to obtain good thralls.


What drops these?

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