Thankyou Funcom for the New Rule Changes!

Bad language is the short version of …

……because bad/foul language is exactly what the second quote is.

And see, youre still missing it "

….heres a closer look…

Like I said, if a person finds another persons comments offensive, it qualifies. It doesn’t have to fall under any other category, but Funcom has opened the doors to be flooded with reports of people being offended.

The rules were fine the way they were, Funcom had in game mechanics to deal with language, and on PVP servers, there is ways to deal with spam/blocking/ etc, and all the other stuff.

I do agree that on PVE, that’s where their special consideration needs to be to prevent spamming on those servers, that’s no different then undermeshers and exploiters on PVP. Deal with that.

The rest? Mute. No need to flood Funcom with reports one person may find offencive, but may in fact not be.

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