The Age of Mediocrity

Well a month on the beta server and :man_shrugging:

The lively villages are not at this time.
I like the change to the bench menus where you can see just what the artisan adds to the item being crafted.

I like being able to dress my bench thralls. I have all the DLCs and I may not RP, but I like to build themed, so custom thralls to fit.

I haven’t done the side kick things because that sounds like a thing I’d need a guide for :flushed:

Now just what has been fixed?
Ya, that is a question, I’d have to see funcoms list.
Still logging in to thralls up to their necks in foundations, but I haven’t logged in burred. I also haven’t dropped through yet but the chat did go nuts one day when it happened so…

Now what have I missed in Age of Heroes?
Lively thralls aren’t and the side kick quests take all of 2 days to do, and it’s how long to the next chapter?

And what will be in that chapter? 2 more side kick quests?

I miss the battle pass, at least it gave me a reason to log in and play. As it stands when the Age of Heroes goes live I’ll log in, reset to accommodate, and log out. No hurry to do the 2 quests.

If it wasn’t for having the one journey to complete …


im checking news and annoucements daily, but theres is nothing : ( . Liked some points of the new system and disliked others. The new bonus per thrall on benches is cool, dressing crafters, having the cooker spining the pork on the barbecue was very cool. Dislike having to spent more 15-16 follower slots to crafters, cant vary crafters, if you want to replace one you have to add more one thrall to the wolrd or dissmiss the old crafter. They removed ligth effects from benches, but they did without care, the casting table for example, the melting metal on it now looks like an red ooze soup.

Glad they finally added this, it should have been added a long time ago. They have a lot more work to do on the UI, plenty of info that we should have is hidden from us for no good reason.

I don’t. Battle passes are pathetic.

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