The Black Circle - Roleplay EU

Server Name: The Black Circle

Server Region: EU

Server Type: RP-PVP

Server Lore: Custom Conan lore

Age Restriction: 18+

Server Description:

The Black Circle is a brand new roleplaying server created by two previous server owners returning with ideas in common, with the player storytelling and freedom to enact their will at the heart of the server principles, keeping a simplified ruleset to ensure an easier introduction for both experienced and new players alike.

We follow Conan the Barbarian’s expansive lore and ask that characters are created with this in mind, though any player new to this will happily be assisted.

As we begin our journey as a community, we invite you to join offering such things as:

A relaxed environment throughout the community

Streamlined and simple rules

A world forged by Conan lore

Simple and immersive transport system

Optional character level boost to 60 (though the cap is 300)

No meta, no KoS, no unnecessary drama

A detailed perma-death system to ensure long running conflicts are seen through as opposed to eternal, without leaving your character at needless risk

The opportunity to be part of an ever evolving landscape

The actions you took to get here matter little against the unforgiving landscape that you find yourself in. Though not all is always as it seems.

Who will you become before you return to dust? Your survival will depend on your strength, your wits, and your cunning.

Server Discord Invite: The Black Circle