The current state of the game

I do not want to go on a rant about bugs. We all know the game has had issues. Updates are to the point where it is a running joke about what new bugs and what will be broken in the next patch.

I play PvE (on official servers) and enjoy building, participating in new events and collecting new items found in the game. I bought the last couple Battlepasses and I have even purchased a couple Bazaar items in the year+ I have been playing.

All that said, the devs need to fix this %×@?%! game. The last patch has players falling through floors, walking through walls and closed doors, and many other issues. Predictable problems are annoying but can be adapted to and, often, worked around. Some of the recent issues are unpredictable and occur seemingly randomly during play. Play has become frustrating and almost unacceptable.

I really like some of the new features and the dev’s aspirations for the game. I think this game still has a good future and can still be profitable long term – in the right hands. Funcom needs to commit the necessary resources to get this game fixed or sell the property to a competent company that will give this game the attention it needs.

I have been and still am looking forward to Dune: Awakening (D:A). I have high hopes for that game, but those new to funcom games might have a different view.

Gamers interested in the Dune world may be trying out Conan Exiles, or at least looking into it, prior to the D:A release. The current Conan Exiles game experience and multiple years of complaints about issues would be a serious concern to anyone looking at D:A.

This is my plead to Funcom: please improve commitment, focus, and resource to this game. Conan Exiles is still popular because it is the only game offering a particular combination of experiences that make the game more enjoyable than similar games. Conan Exiles has a lot of future potential – seize it!


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