The game is broken on unofficial servers

Tengo cientos de suscriptores diciéndome que en los servidores no oficiales no se puede jugar, muchos bugs.
no funcionan los ascensores, el personaje se bloquea y no puedes moverte, al rodar se crashea el juego

I have hundreds of subscribers telling me that unofficial servers cannot be played, many bugs.
the elevators do not work, the character is blocked and you can not move, when rolling the game crashes

You might want to move this to the Bugs forum, and also provide additional details. Being as specific as possibly by following their template. This might get you some solutions.

HI Silver,
It’s common practice on most funcom updates, that there are more bugs then fixes. There are bugs on official also its not just unofficial that have issues. Mod devs are working hard to adjust and fix bugs from there side. Thats if funcom have released the dev kit to mod devs.
Anyway thats my penny worth. If it wasn’t for mods conan exiles would be dead. So give support to mod devs.

These bugs are effective official as well. Game is pretty much unplayable.

as time goes by they tell me more errors, on official servers too, they die suddenly and a message appears saying that it is due to falling off the map

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