Thrall Wars RP Server: Two linked Maps (EL Grim, Isle of Women) (18+ RP/PvP/PvE) New Season starts today! 23/06

Server Name: S23 - wiped 23.06. - RP18+ EL Grim with Isle of Women link
Server Region: EU based
Server Type: RP-PVP
Server Lore: Conan Lore
Map: Grim Map and Isle of Women linked
Connect IP:

:spider_web: A dangerous and thrilling environment :spider_web: - We strife to create an environment that feels dangerous and real, an environment you can let yourself get immersed in the unique dangers the Exiled Lands pose. Who knows what the next person you run into might be? Perhaps they have perfectly honest intentions, or perhaps you will find yourself captured and enslaved.

:ninja:Conflict and intrigue :ninja: - Conflict lies at the core of Thrall Wars, with a set of rules that seeks to enable it to those that want for it, but without being overly stifling. We focus on long lived rivalries and intrigue over fast death and destruction of enemies. All of this is to create the enthralling, dangerous environment mentioned above.

:crossed_swords: PvE content :crossed_swords: - Thrall Wars is the home of the Thrall Wars mod series, and therefore comes with a full suite of new PvE encounters and loot to match! Feel that vanilla Conan’s dungeons lack a real set of teeth? Come give our custom bosses and dungeons a try for a real challenge and reap the rewards of your efforts.
:man_mage:Limited Supernatural Characters :man_mage: - No one needs an application to play on Thrall Wars, all characters that fit within Conan lore are welcomed. Characters possessing abilities beyond the norm however are controlled by an automated system around Roleplay Redux, to ensure they fit within the world of Conan Exiles and R.E. Howard and remain something dangerous and not your casual encounter in the tavern.

:game_die: Roleplay and dice! :game_die: - We provide an ever evolving dice system (Courtesy of the amazing Roleplay Redux!) that aims to deepen your roleplay experience. Custom Classes, adhering to the low fantasy lore of Conan as written by Howard, such as Plague Doctor, Vampire, Templar, Priest and many more. Be a warrior, thief, healer, or a craftsman, the choice is yours! All character types have a purpose and place.

:fallen_leaf: Season Gameplay :fallen_leaf: - Thrall wars is a server that runs in seasons, and Thrall Wars Season 19 has just started, with a large set of changes and makeovers happened to various aspects of the server. And while items and buildings do not persist through seasons, the stories that were created do, with a wipe story provided with every new season.

:wave: Welcoming to Everyone :wave: - We welcome any and all players, be it Conan RP veterans or complete RP or Conan newbies. We have plenty of players willing to teach, and our discord contains plenty of resources on Roleplay and the world of Conan.

:world_map: Two Maps with a third open for conquest! - :world_map: - Season 23 of Thrall Wars has two maps!

:hammer_and_wrench: Stability :hammer_and_wrench: - Thrall wars runs with a lean and mean modlist, ensuring maximum stability and performance. Thrall wars runs on the best hardware available to us, and has ran consistently since Conan left early access. Updates are frequent and to date we have never suffered from an emergency server wipe since Conan left early access.

:technologist:Experienced Admin team.:technologist: - Thrall Wars administration team has persisted just as long as the server. Experienced admins that have learned a thing or two about running a Conan server, including when and when not to interfere. But should an issue arise, the admin team will be there for you.

Discord: Thrall wars
Modlist: Steam Workshop::Thrall Wars Mods



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