Thralls across the map last... forever?

Dude do you believe everyone will be playing this game forever the decay system will get us all eventually … whether players play for the next 6 months, a year, 3, 5, let’s say the hardcore last 10 yrs in the end the decay system will get us all cause it’s the ultimate beast … I plan to play this game for a very long while but I know eventually one day I will have to let it go and the decay system will be there waiting for me … so again I say be patient those thralls will eventually be gone like on my official server currently no thralls in the air there are two places were there are abandoned thralls on the ground but I’m not worried they will be gone eventually

Like I said I’ve been playing this game since EA and seen this happen so many times that it don’t bother me anymore … just another cycle that occurs every once in a while at least back then when we were able to scavenge decay bases on PvE it was a nice past time to get away from all the grinding I miss my scavenging days lol

But to make everyone happy if funcom could connect the thralls with the decay timer I’m cool with it … so if base decays and self destructs then thralls goes with it

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While this is supposed to be the case, I think there might be a bug that keeps orphans alive if someone else builds in the same spot. Indeed one of the other players on the official PvE we play on posted about this very issue within the last week or two because a departed clan’s dancer has been hovering over the maproom she built for the better part of a year now.

In a different part of the map, there’s a whole army of Dalinsias surrounding an oasis where a 1-man clan just up and left one day without word and without passing on ownership. That was at least 6 months ago, and Battlemetrics confirms they no longer sign-in. Once again, this is a spot where others built before the thralls had a chance to decay, and it has kept them alive and well.

greatest idea ever :slight_smile:

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i wonder why do they have to last more than the buildings.

maybe if they were needed to be placed near a thrall pot, that would limit the amount of thralls that you can place and build more pots, if the base decays, there would be no more pots and the thralls would disapear

And then I “essence of rot” your food supply🤗

Is that a thing in PvP? (I play PvE)

Not just a pc problem here. Its the same for PS4. People who no longer play and haven’t for 6 months still have thralls on Official 3502. Lack of maintenance imo.

What if the thrall pot was only a thrall land claim thing, and did not utilize the old feed mechanic. No food needed, just the fact it was in the area kept thralls alive. If pot goes, then thralls start 24 hour decay. this would give targets in PVP to kill off thralls if the pot was not protected correctly. Same for Pets. The radius could be decently sized. the idea is that the thrall pot decays with base, thus the thralls will decay with out the thrall pot.

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To me once the players is gone and building decays thralls should go back to there normal npc status and will attack anyone that comes by not only could they be tame able you could also get the gear there previous masters (player) have given them so this means they could have high gear protection and can hit you with legendary weapons if that’s what they had when there masters quit


It never had the chance to be a thing in PVP as I don’t think Archive scroll recipes and Animal feeding were in-game at the same time.

But if it had been… :slight_smile:

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