Tired of vote to kick on raid finder - it is necessary to take measures

My 2 cents. For me vote kick is a good feature with many pro, but I would do a couple of tweaks to improve the tool:

  1. make the kick popup repositionable, as Patoson suggested, and let the client saving last position of the window, so you can put the kick popup on a corner, instead to have in the middle of the screen covering visual. This will improve vote consciousness (I think often people just click yes or no asap to remove the popup).
  2. one (1) chance for each toon to start a kick vote for the entire raid. The tool is good, but sometimes I saw multiples votes started against players doing well their job and the only reason was trolling. With 1 chance to start a vote, trolls will be disabled and the raid group can always have a chance to kick an afk or a troublemaker.
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just remove this stupid RF and add shards to Tian`an/Den of Crowmen/Abbys.etc


My solution to fix the vote kick is to make it a popup that is on the side and doesn’t become the default active window, while also reducing the required number of votes to kick to 13. Also adding it to minis where you require 5 votes would be nice.

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(Martin luther king voice); I predict!!! That the Op of this thread… will receive many many wonderful kicks in the future, and the sound of joy and laughter stemming from these kicks shall be heard all over Hyboria in the years to come!

Thus spoke the Hyborian oracle! :sunny:

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This guy everyday brags how he only plays raidfinder as he hates other content, bragging how he has done more or less 15 rf per day, I guess vote kick popup would drive anyone insane at that point.

Medicine exists thou, log off or actually play the game

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This thread seems familiar for some reason :grinning:. I don’t do many RFs anymore, but never had much problem with the kick. I got kicked with a new conq once, trying to learn how to tank, I realized not the place to learn. I wasn’t mad, in fact I didn’t blame the group at all, my actions were causing problems. Keep it in, try to learn the tactic, fight or heal hard and I think few would vote to kick.

the idea here is getting off the subject, what we are re-inviting is that there is an option inside the game to hide the pop up window from the vote to kick

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Ok, still don’t see a big deal. Again, let me be more specific if it helps. Leave it in, As Is.

If Funcom could change the location of the popup, I’d be fine with that. I just don’t think it’s wise to have them do that considering their past record of ■■■■■■■■ up other stuff that should be unrelated (the recent bald player explosion due to vanity weapon patch being a very good example). I’d be worried they’d patch the vote kick window and all of a sudden we wouldn’t see loot popups, or not have vendor popups and not be able to use vendors, etc

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This. I vouch Evan with this idea. It´s annoying already the kick abuse popping up nonstop during rf’s

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Maybe change it to follow the World Boss rules. Must do damage and be within X distance of the Boss when it dies to get the rewards.

I don’t do RF much anymore, but my problem was always trying to figure out if it was a valid vote kick or not.

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I support the idea of there being a way to hide the vote kick popups. I find these popups very annoying and I always vote against kicking anyway, as a matter of principle, regardless of what the player has done, so it would suit me much better if I could set it to auto-vote against and not even show me the popup window. (What I would like even better, of course, is for the vote-kick mechanism to be removed altogether. I don’t remember seeing any really pathological behaviour in the raid finders before it was introduced, so I think the vote-kicking is a bigger nuisance than whatever problems it was supposed to fix.)

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@cynara I and others did see pathological behaviour.
For example, there was one player who would run into the boss rooms before everyone was in the room and start the fight. They would do it endlessly even when players had said they’d reported them via a petition… and as there are no GMs online to respond for 1/3 of the day then that person was able to disrupt RF for hours. The only option was to vote to retreat and hope they weren’t in the next RF spawned with you.

Another example was two particular people who would run out to someone who had miasma and get infected and then run around the room infecting everyone else until we wiped …

another player was notorious for getting raid lead and moving all the healers to one group.

Vote-kick has stopped all of this toxic behaviour.
(It has also given us a means to deal with players who refuse to learn tactics. A guild mate and I once spent TWO hours trying to kill Arbanus due to a couple of players failing to run out for blood draw. Every wipe players explained what people needed to do … every time those players didn’t move. Eventually the RF had a successful vote to retreat as every attempt was worse than the previous. Not pathological but certainly frustrating for the 21 players who were running out.)

If Funcom added a “reposition vote-kick box” in HUD then people who didn’t want to deal with it could move to the edges of their screen and barely see it.


@Cynara If you didn’t witness any toxic behavior, you were either damn lucky, afk yourself or blind.
Just thinking of memory cloud fights with 3 people afk at entrance, some greengeared squishies and people not being able to step on plattorms. I don’t mind having the squishies, I can even live with 1 or 2 people standing useless on stupid positions, but people being afk are just annoying. If you don’t have time: don’t sign up.

Ofc there are still some afk-guys, but the number lowered significantly. As well as the number of trolls, causing wipes on purpose.

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Concerning the number of votes I would agree to limit them to 1 per 15 Minutes or a total of 2 per rf-run per person.
Having the popup-window in the corner of your screen wouldn’t be a bad option, but I’m ok with it on the current position. It’s a quick click on yes or no to get rid of it.

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Like me :smiley:

it is only to have an option to hide this automatic window, do not need to remove vk, which for me would also be good to take vk, but the idea here is to hide this window an in-game option, like hiding a hot bar using the F10 and entering the game options

Yeah, you changed your request pretty fast :wink:
And now you are pretending to only wish for the option to hide, when in fact you are just pissed that you get kicked so often because of your trollish and toxic behavior ingame.


Well, such things must have been very rare, because I only hear rumours about them and never actually saw them happen in any RF that I’ve been in. And I have to say that some of them sound hilarious and much more fun than the routine smooth RFs than we have now. Wipes due to miasma and blood draw shenanigans were one of the few fun things in a T3 lower RF run, for example. I particularly like the idea of putting all the healers into one group - I wish I had ever seen that happen - IMO people overestimate the importance of group setup in the RF, where even if they don’t have a healer in the group they’ll get a heal from the first stack of the wipe buff anyway, and the bosses will die soon enough regardless of group setup. I actually wish that group-setup trolling had been more common than it was, if only to get this point across.