Помогите найти контакты администраторов с официальных серверов

Был получен моему клану бан за что не понятно.

How to contact us

If you want to report an infraction in any of our official servers, please contact us via Direct Message in our forums. You can do so by going to your profile, selecting Message, and in the recipient field type in @Community . Do not tag any other players or members of our community in your reports.

If you want to appeal a ban , you will first have to have read these rules and make yourself aware of them. Once you have done that, get in touch with us in the way described above and provide the following details:

  • Platform
  • Name of the Server
  • If on PC, a link to your Steam profile.
  • Clan or clan names you used to play in.

Once provided those details please wait until we get back to you. When appealing a ban, you might be required to provide any explanations or information we might deem necessary in order to consider the appeal of the ban.

NEW FORUM ACCOUNTS: Please be aware that newly created users can’t send private messages until a certain threshold has been met, which is to read 5 different posts, 30 different messages, and spend 10 minutes logged in. This is to prevent automated spam.

тогда всех нужно банить за текстуры и ты в том числе) все там сидели сидят и будут сидеть пока этого разработчики не уберут


the Rules are clear in this case

also beware of, if you want contact the Funcom Forum Support.

If you don´t know how to write a DM follow the Guide below

On the first Picture cklick on Ignasis Name

Second Picture click on “Message”

On the Third Picture
by 1 fill out with a subject
by 2 fill out with your Massage
by 3 cklick to send the Massage

If you have all done this then you can only wait till they came back to you