UI modifications for agent system

How fatigue is handled is quite odd, apparently it does not scale to 100% as it would suggest, but anything over 50% can knock you out. Often I do a 15 minute, which should be 10% and get incapacitated immediately with barely over 40% fatigue showing.

Is that ā€œBarely over 40%ā€ the fatigue when you started the 15 min mission? If so, yeah. It matches my results. Any fatigue gain that would bring you over some value of 50.x will incapacitate you.

Yep, Iā€™ve started to just leave it be for an hour or two if it hits 40%, better a 2 hour wait than a 10 hour one.

The addon is great, helps a lot.

One thing would be awesome though, if the Intel/Supplies/Assets requirement for missions could be displayed in the list (there is enough space on the top / bottom of each frame I believe).

Maybe additionally some visual indicator (red frame?) for missions you cannot currently start due to missing resources or when selected agent does not meet the stat requirements.

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Not sure who the developer for Agent Tweaks is but hopefully they are reading this thread. I made a tweaked version of the mission preview window that puts all the useful data in the same space as the current system uses, keeping the affinity % on the stat requirement icon on the left (not shown on the image)


Obviously I would love it if the SWL devs could implement this (and the other tweaks like agent fatigue and recovery time needed) but if not, is there any chance the Agent Tweaks dev could implement something similiar? Also, any chance the fatigue% could be shown (maybe as a red bar) on the bottom of the Agent profile pic in the Rooster window?


Iā€™ve forwarded the suggestions. I canā€™t promise what itā€™ll end up looking like, but he does have some stuff in development that should at least help with some of this.

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Thank you :grin:

Since the resources and traits are really the same 3 things anyway would it be possible to reduce complexity by making them show uniformly as the one thing everywhere?

Square = intel
Triangle = supplies
Circle = assets

Triangle missions always cost supplies and reward assets, squares always cost intel and reward supplies, so instead of having a mission be
Circle (huge)
costs 3 purple circles (small) 0 yellow bullets (small) 0 briefcases (small)
rewards 0 purple circles (small) 1 pile of yellow bullets (small) 0 briefcases (small)


You just have a green circle (to show thatā€™s the kind of agent it needs) with -3 (to say how much itā€™ll cost) and black triangle with +1 (to show thatā€™s the rewards) and then grey out the 3rd one.

A dual stat mission would just have 2 green -x and the third +y.

Then over where it says how many intel/supplies/assets you own, just use square/triangle/circle icons in the same style instead of using different confusing art.

Then mission specific rewards are only the distillates/xp, not a repeat of the 3 resources 3 separate times.

If you wanted to increase information density, make it a traffic light system - green for a stat your selected agent has lots of, yellow where theyā€™re near the number, red when theyā€™re below it.

So, I really like the clockwatcher functionality, but Iā€™m having an issue. I am getting increased crashes when the character screen loads. In the past few weeks, it would happen about one in four times when I first logged in, but once I got to the the character screen once, switching characters while still logged in wasnā€™t a problem.

Now, after the last patch, it is crashing about 3/4 of the time or more, including when I exit from in game to the character screen.

I removed clockwatcher and Iā€™m not getting crashes now, so I think it is the UI adjustment to the character screen that is doing it.

So two questions, first is there an easy way to disable the character selection part of this while still having the offline viewer work?

And second, if others are having the same issue, is there any more detail I could send that might help identify the problem?

I suppose itā€™s slightly reassuring to know that this bug isnā€™t just my computer imploding.

My current thoughts are that itā€™s some sort of issue with the hard drive not providing the image file fast enough. At least for me it often fails the first time, but seems to work subsequently, when the file is more likely to be cached. Not sure if itā€™s something that can actually be fixed successfully, but Iā€™m still trying variations on the loading method.

Unfortunately I donā€™t have a disable switch for that in the current version. There should at least be a switch for the next release, but no clear timeline for that. Iā€™ll see if I can get a partial patch out for you a bit earlier.

Thanks for the update! And no rush if itā€™s hard to implement that, I appreciate the effort, and itā€™s reassuring to know someone else is seeing this so I donā€™t have to worry about a problem with my game install.

Is less that itā€™s hard to implement the disable. More that the viewer needs an option to silence Wilhelm before Iā€™m willing to release that end. Hopefully shouldnā€™t take too long if I can avoid trying to sneak new functionality in

Mitigation has been less than successesful (trying yet another slightly different variation which may or may not be an improvement), but thereā€™s a new version (1.2.2) out with a few features added, some bugs squashed, and a /setoption to disable the login screen bit if needed.

Also Xeioā€™s managed to sneak out an update (1.4) of agent tweaks, which adjusts for the changes made by the recent patch and adds a net resource cost view for the mission list (along with some bug squashing of their own).

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Same here. Since Iā€™ve started using the mod I get crashes at the character select screen (and sometimes at the login screen before Iā€™ve finished typing my password). I doubt that itā€™s related to not loading the icon file fast enough. I play the game on a performance SSD so loading speed, especially of the relatively tiny .SWF file (32Kb in size) is most likely beyond minuscule.

@Glaucon might have some ideas. Heā€™s always good at guessing about the root of addon related crashes even without having seen the addonā€™s code.

That youā€™re on an SSD does add an interesting wrinkle to things yes, thanks for that information.

It seems to be more an issue with hot-loading the png file than the actual swf. Cartographer has had similar (and occasionally serious) stability issues, which Iā€™m also still working on diagnosing and mitigating. I do have a couple other ideas Iā€™m kicking at for possible solutions: file loading; thread safety and asynchronous flash behaviours; overly long update spikesā€¦ Unfortunately it mostly affects me once a day, on the very first log-in, which makes testing any changes a slow process.

Oh, for what itā€™s worth, Iā€™m also on an SSD.

Canā€™t you load the icon from the gameā€™s own files instead of an external source?

Would depend on where copies of the icon exist in game data. I may also have to adjust my injection method. The current one simplifies layout and cleanup significantly, but the injected code canā€™t load swf assets except from the original file (doesnā€™t include the agent icon). Hence the sideloading.

Busy this weekend, but Iā€™ll be try to squeeze a few more experiments in before South Africa.

One additional bit of info on the fatigue system. I was away for the weekend, so my agents stood around with mission reports for longer than expected. When I checked them before handing the missions in, they had fatigue levels that would have been close to what they were previously, when I handed in the missions these fatigue levels went up as expected. Then they dropped to 0% (may have required me to close and reopen the agent dossier view).

My new hypothesis is that agent fatigue does start going down as soon as the mission is complete (unknown if rate is different), but that any reduction is deferred until after the mission hand-in is completed and the incapacitation check occurs. This may also explain some of those ā€œinstant recoveriesā€ that people have noticed, when an agent is incapacitated for 30s or less.

Interesting. I may have to test that more.