Unable to log in due to tiny window after start button is pressed

I am unable to log in to Age of Conan. When I click the Start button, I see a tiny window that I cannot interact with. How do I fix this? I’ve tried rebooting and repairing.

I get that small window if I make another window active as AoC is about to lauch (I mean when the picture of conan appears)

so don’t “click away” from the mini picture as aoc is about to start. to make sure that window is active you can also press the picture itself.

it’s also possible to press alt+enter to maximize the tiny window, then you can play the game, but it usually leaves some borders or stretched kind of resolution which isn’t ideal. maybe you can fiddle with resolutions in-game at that point and it’ll fix itself (change back and forth between fullscreen/borderless/windowed)

atleast that’s my experience with this. maybe it can help.